
Ever feel like that you were conceding to insanity

by  |  earlier

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In society we are forced to surpress a lot of human instinct. Have you ever felt as if you could no longer do this and unleash all the emotions that you have kept away?




  1. It isn't insanity, my friend. I've realized this through my own lingering thoughts on the issue. Ultimately, the real issue to think about is society, and how it shuns things that aren't a part of the common conformity we call "normal".

    You're totally right; humans are rarely allowed to be humans, making us one of the few animals that have a certain standardized way of life that pushes through the pull.

    Again, it isn't insanity. But it's merely what human minds and the nature of wanting to develope a way of life and stick to simplicity that causes us to believe insane and sane exist. If humans didn't have the yearning to conform, then we would have no morals; murder wouldn't be wrong... h**l, there would be no wrong. Hence, how you feel wouldn't be considered "weird" or "out of place"

    How to deal with this in our world, I'm yet to find out. I'm merely here to assure you you're not crazy. Crazy isn't even a real thing. It's made up.

    Generally, our every day life is all a game humans play because that's what we've been told to do.

    Have a nice day.

  2. watch american psycho... and you'll have a favorite movie, i saw it 13 times

  3. unleashing those emotions will kick your a s s. getting out of control.

  4. I have though about it but never acted on it because I need my job and I appreciate my freedom. I have a child to support.  Oh I feel like doing it all the time.  Trust me I do.

  5. You have hit on my theory that humans are basically evil.  

    YES, I have felt this way.  I look at people and they look like tiny ants going from point A to B with their big SUV's and cell phones, keeping up with the JONES' buying big screens, laptops, etc.

    They are maintaining sanity by buying all these things and sensing happiness, but really we stand in line to buy and want to hit the person in front of us talking with a club or stick, and move in front of them.  Blah, blah, blah they say...."shut your pie hole."  AHHHHHH!!!!!

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