I look around at the world and feel like I don't belong here
I feel like a polar bear in Africa... doesn't make sense and I want to go back where I came from
I can't understand why people act the way they do. I just don't get it. I thought we taught our children to share, but grown adults can't stop fighting over paper money and political drama. People are so self conscious and worried about their security and privacy that they are destroying the world just to assure this for themselves, with complete disregard for the well being of their fellow man.
How can people stand around so involved in their meaningless and shallow activities while their being ushered into an era of mortal slavery inch by inch. Why can't people see through the arrogant lies the world leaders spew out of their foul mouths? Why are there so many AWOL soldiers in America, but people continue to ignore the problem in Iraq. Why do people go everyday without questioning the mission there? From the stories I've heard, the only mission is to survive the militant civilians defending their families from America's terrorist occupancy.
This world is foul. Foul and it stinks like a urine soaked towel. I hate it here and all I can do is work at the grassroots level, while rich people sit back in their expensive leather Ferrari seats, comfortably enjoying the beautiful weather without thinking twice about the homeless man who just asked for some help.
If you believe in GOD, people look at you like your crazy. Like it's not something you should admit in public anymore. People have more faith in their iPhones than they do in GOD.
Is there some sort of crack in our breathing air? The world seems to be on crack.