
Ever get braces as an adult?

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I'm 31 and need to get braces. I feel kind of awkward getting them.

Not so much the braces but my age. Even though people think I'm about 25 I feel out of place. My parents couldn't afford the dentist when I was growing up so I now that I can do something about it I want to.

Anyone else go through this?




  1. my mom got them when she was 33. She had the same problem. It hurts a little more because your teeth are stonger and have been unmoved for years. I'd say its better than than then when your in highschool though. if your teeth arent that bad you could just get invisalign.

  2. best to get "Invisaline" Braces its practicaly invisible but more expensive than regular , if your on a tight budget.

  3. You could get invisaline or if you can't do that don't worry a lot of the dental assistants at my doctors office have braces and just think when you get them off you will have beautiful teeth.

  4. I am 27 with them and will more than likely be 28 or 29 when they come off and I hate EVERY moment of it.

    Also, people always tell me I look so young and I am always wondering if it is because of my braces.

  5. I actually work at a dentist/orthodontic is perfectly normal for adults to have braces! Yes u will be very sore and the braces aren't so pretty when you first get them, but it definitely be worth it once they come off...i had braces for only about a year because my teeth move so if yours are like mine it wont take long to get them off..i would say go for it and get them if you want them!! and there is also another way to have straight teeth without having braces..its called invisalign works well but you really have to stay on top of things and go to your appointments as directed..if you dont your teeth could easily go back to their normal position..but just go for it...results are always great :)

  6. I'm 25 and getting braces in 3 days....I was told I need braces when I was  16 and I kept putting it off. Now my dentist tells me its either braces or dentures so that's made me take the plunge.

    People always say I look younger than I am and I know the braces are just going to encourage that but in the end I will have nice straight teeth and I wish I made taken the plunge earlier.

    Good luck if you decide to get them to :)

  7. Many adults get braces.  My mom had braces when she was 36, so have absolutely no worries.

  8. Just do it. It keeps you young you'll be glad you did im almost 20 and have them i can pass for 14 dude

    just do it

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