
Ever get caught surfing web during work hours?or worse playing internet games!?

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Ever get caught surfing web during work hours?or worse playing internet games!?




  1. Yes.  I was taken aside in private and told the internet is to be used for work only.

    As you can see, I didn't follow that advice.

  2. Yes. I wouldn't even be doing it if I had work. I'm not alone. It's how it is. I keep in touch with the woman that had this job before me and she told me that she would do the same. There just isn't enough work to do. At my last job (only left because the commute was too long, I got married and moved) there wasn't any time for internet surfing. It was a growing business. I loved it. I used to not care about the time. If I knew what time it was then it just made me work even harder because there was so much to do. I knew that people were counting on me. It was medical.

  3. yeah dude, i got caught looking at p**n at work. got a final written warning!

  4. Not yet...

    but my colleague was caught downloading g*y p**n to his terminal.

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