
Ever get mad at life and just go to bed WITHOUT brushing your teeth?

by  |  earlier

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Gives a nasty taste in your mouth in the AM, huh? Well, I've been doing it with increasing frequency, and I don't know you think it could be the increasing gas prices, the fact my kids have not opened a book yet this summer, and my wife leaves piles of laundry on the floor and bed and crib, because she's lazy and NEVER FINISHES WHAT SHE STARTS !?! I don't know how to help my family or myself (slight detour here for a minute - does anyone sew out there? I popped a button on my favorite work pants this morning, and missed the bus cuz of that and couldn't find any change as my bus pass was drained on yesterday's trip home, and had basically a terrible day, but it got better. My wife doesn't sew, or cook for that matter. Not a domestic bone in her body...) So, what do I do now? Besides sew my own button back on, fold the clothes, make reading assignments, etc. Things are getting crazy around here ! (Thank you all for letting me vent a little here....)




  1. TICK TAK!!! ~_~

  2. This is just .... wooooooow! xD

  3. i'll brush your teeth for $100

  4. ill do your 'laundry' ... ;) lol

  5. STOP



  6. Sounds bad, but i think the easiest thng to do is just talk to your wife, i dont know if this si what you need the answer to but either way you should sit herd own and speak to her about the situation and mabe she will change for her family, such as learn to cook, and sow, etc.

    As for the whole not brushing your teeth at night situation, i can say that i barely have enough time to brush my teeth before bed simply because my year this year has been hectic and full of bad days, they come every other day, so i wouldn't feel so bad about that part.  But your life so far seems hectic too, and you should try seeing a therapist, they help a lot.  But to help i can say that bad days come and go and when they go there is a good one afterwards but sometimes it's hard to notice them.  

    -I hope everything goes better next time!  Good luck : )

    -hope i helped!!!

  7. excuse me...why so serious ?

  8. Yes, I do it all of the time.  It's called giving up and just not caring which can be sort of depressing, but just remember you can never have good without the bad or else you will never know the difference between anything.  What I'm saying is that the things you are unhappy about are not there to make you miserable, they exist to make you happy and remind you of all the wonderful things you do have!

  9. Daddy? lol

  10. this is hilarious, sorry for laughing at your problems, but d**n this is funny....and yea, i go to bed without brushing sometimes, not because im angry at life, but just 'cause i forget lol.

  11. You are a d**k. Get a life and grow some balls. You won't ever get a perfect life and because you want this to happen it never will


  12. umm ok?

  13. lol...jus brush ur teeth man. its good for ur mouth

  14. I don't think it's possible for me to get so mad that I go to sleep without brushing my teeth. I'd have to be REALLY mad!

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