
Ever get that one person who ruins your day?

by  |  earlier

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i could be having the time of my life then theres that one person, who just ruins, EVERYTHING. gets me so angry. ever get that?




  1. who? your a zombie why are u even speaking?

  2. Yes. Every party has a pooper. Some people just can't stand others having fun.

  3. YES. Oh, boy, YES.

  4. sure happens to a lot of people including me. don't worry to much about it just try to ignore it.  

  5. Yes.  It's a morning thing.

    It's either an "Idiot Driver" on my way to work or it's "Someone at the Office" who always has a bad attitude.

    I can blank the office people out of my mind, but it's tough to do when you're on the highway and some idiot wants to go 20 miles over the speed limit so they tail gate everyone in front of them.

  6. Oh Yes.  It is usually my boss, who is such a miserable, bad natured, bitchy woman lol

  7. Not until now.  Thanks.

  8. Yeah.  She used to be the one who made my day, too.  Go figure.

  9. Yup... but luckily I don't run into those people too often.

  10. Yeah, think everyone has encountered this person. The key is to not let them be aware that they ruined your day, this will p**s them  

  11. yes I do. That is what family is for.

  12. Yeah, my person is me.

  13. YES f****** jerks of boys who r way too immature and call you dumb blonde, or stupid they r sooo g*y.

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