
Ever get worried that god didnt make someone for you?

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i feel like someone would have to be crazy to be the ONE for me im only 15 but im worried i dont have a soul mate out there




  1. i believe that it is safe to say that life is full of surprises. good things come when we least expect them. if God has someone for you, He will send this someone when he knows is the right time, not when you demand for this. our understanding is extremely limited. with this said, i think it is time for you to stop trying to figure God out. you'll drive yourself NUTS!!! patience my friend

  2. You're incredibly too young to even be worrying about that, but here's some advice that you can use right now.

    Don't ever sit around waiting for "God" to do anything for you or bring resolution to any of your problems. It's a waste of time to invest your life into something make believe.

  3. Im 18, and iavent found her either bro..

    it takes time, patience, perseverence, trust me..

    let things fall into place, dont ever tell yourself "Maybe i was meant to be single" na uh, love is the greatest gift you can give to someone, and god wouldnt do that..

    so, theres someone out there for you


    hope that helps man

  4. Don't worry; you shouldn't worry. Leave God to all the worrying-He's the one who made the universe. He made one special person out there for you. I'm not the type to have a boyfriend but I'm just waiting. And waiting.

    GoD BLeSS

  5. I believe that people spend a large amount of time, money, and energy looking for that "special person" and it all really just goes to waste.

    I know it's silly but I believe that love comes to you.

    Looking for love only makes people over-analyze, stress out, get wishy-washy and ultimately just mess things up.

    If you can make friends, you can find a significant other.

    It's that easy.

    It's all about finding the right type of person.

    Somebody who is your friend, who is similar to you (with morals, interests, ideas, dreams etc.) and who likes you.

    And if that doesn't work, there are hundreds of ways to find partners. Like Online-Dating. It sounds kind of odd, but tons of people find girlfriends/boyfriends/spouses all the time.

    Somebody is out there. And it's just dumb to think that there isn't.

    I'm sure you'll find somebody.

  6. I know exactly how you feel i sometimes feel uoset when i walk around school and see people all hugged up. I start to feel lonely. I am only 14 and I know thats too young to worry about mr. right but the only boyfriend that i had was when i was 12 and that lasted about 1 day. I feel like i will b lonely for the rest of my life all because everyone else has a bf and i dont.Just dont worry about it that much the time will come and she will be amazing 4 u

  7. everything happens for a reason no matter wht


  8. yaa people say that  you'r to yound. BUt im 15 and i think the same thing, like a dout that any guy out there would want to be with me. But they say that there is the right person for everyone. I'll just keep going with that. But dont worry theres someone out there for you

  9. People are like shoes. You may like two pairs just the same but in different ways. With 8 billion people out there, there is someone for you.

  10. It took me 40 years to find mine.Relax and worry about what you want to accomplish and do with your life.You dont need someone to make you complete.

  11. I don't believe in the term soulmate. It seems like a phrase coined by Hollywood to bring in a larger revenue.

    And no one should ever need a guy/girl to validate themselves. If you want to be ready for a relationship, then you have to be happy with yourself first.

  12. thas not up to you what you think.

    you dont control your destiny, so you shouldnt think that way.

    and why are you worrying about this stuff at this age? you have LONGG life to live, i m pretty sure someone special will come along the way.

  13. we learned about love in my psychology class!

    we learned that americans are all about this concept of a "soul mate" and such, when it really doesn't exist.

    it creates unrealistic expectations for the people involved and sometimes makes you feel like they should be perfect.

    real love is work, no one is perfect all the time.

    so if you find someone you like, a little bit later on, (because high school love is said to lack commitment), work at it, and don't expect perfection, or a "soul mate"

  14. I'm 18 and I don't have a problem with being single, in fact guys scare me.

  15. You are still too young.

  16. no... theres always someone out there for everyone..

    just believe in god and pray


  17. You shouldn't be worried. You haven't found one yet because of just that, you are 15. You haven't had time for nature to take it's course and to find one. Give it time, it will happen soon.

  18. I'm gonna tell you what I'm trying to tell everyone else.  QUIT WORRYING ABOUT IT!!!

    If you become obsessed with this (especially someone as young as you) you might become messed up and psychotic with relationships like my ex boyfriend from high school was.

    I'm in my mid 20s and I couldnt care less if I dont ever find my soul mate because I know there's more to life than having to worry and rush around to find something that is going to be challenging to find.

  19. you do, the fact that you are thinking about that right now is beautiful

    watch "The Secret"

  20. don't worry there is someone for everyone and God aid he made everyone in is own image ur only 15 u have not found anyone for ur self u find someone in the right place and right time and u don't meet that person in school there is someone u just have to be patient

  21. No, I was never worried about that. I mean, come on. There are 6.7 billion people out there in the world. There's gotta be someone. The only thing I've ever been worried about is finding that person.

    Just remember: 6.7 billion people.

  22. dont worry she will come  

    the world has many women out in there  

    cast the net and catch some fish

    it will take a while but u will get one

  23. I used to feel the very same way. But see you gotta just get past that crazy thought in your head. You got several years to go and you will find her in time dude. I found mine you'll find yours it took me till i was about 21 to find her and its worth the wait so dont worry so much.

  24. yeah i feel you...but hey, if there isn't one for you, there's a lot, don't worry about it.  just enjoy life day by day.  not all of us are made for relationships

  25. all the time. i'm about your age only i'm a girl. i feel the same way most of the time.

    i wish with all my heart that i do have a soulmate. and i hope you do too. i don't think anyone should have to go through life with out a lover or someone you totally trust, trust enough to give your heart to and your except whatever they do in return ( unless someone in the holy orders, casue they can't marry or date).

  26. your fine but as a 15 year old bvoy your looking at the "hot" girls and htinking no one likes me. i dated a girl who wasnt that hot and im still dating her 2 years later and now other guys ask her out and wistle at her so pay attention to the other ones youd be amazed how many people like you

  27. r u CRAZY???

    someone would have to be crazy NOT to like u or be "the one". ur an amazing person and u'll find the girl for u soon enough! i promise.  i do believe that there's someone out there for everyone. we jus find them at different times.

  28. They will find you!

  29. God always has a plan. Its not always a someone. But there is a purpose. And remember " Life never ends bad. If life is bad, its not the end"

  30. I'm 16 and I think all teenagers are hopeless searching for their one. I know that you and I will someday find them, ha I know it feels like it won't happen. I found people that would do for me, but I want that one that will make me go crazy ha. We WILL!!! I promise you! sucks being a hormonal teenager.

  31. Yes, I used to worry about this.  But then I found him.  God did make someone for you; you will find that person.

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