
Ever give up on people in general?

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like think that people are never going stop manipulating or being manipulated. or that people will never actually think for themselves without being insanely influenced by the worst people possible. or that there are no genuinly good people. or that the only people you actually have is yourself and your family..?




  1. Yes, my wife got rid of every last one of her friends and moved out of MD to NJ and she hasn't made any friends since. She found that women always made snide comments and keep her from doing things she really wanted to with their doubts. She has encountered many b*tchy girls who has done many unspeakably mean things to her and that has left her jaded.

  2. Absolutely.  Humans are the worst thing ever to set foot on this earth and includes myself.  I am a very reclusive person and I am more comfortable by myself then around others.  Basically only see family and my cats.  I fit a stereo type of reclusive life form almost 100%.

  3. you know, i would have answered no to this up until this year.

    when i see the political situation in the USA, in regards to the primaries and the impending presidential election, I lost a tremendous amount of faith in a tremendous amount of people.  

  4. Yes.  My husband and I often wonder why people make such silly decisions.  Not that we think we have all the answers, but how do people manage to get through life without having a speck of common sense?

  5. Sometimes it is not worth the effort to continue to engage with a person (this isn't giving up on them).  The walls people put up are not blocking you they are blocking them from suceeding.  When the person WANTS to change they will.  Nothing you do will change anyone else or make sense to them if they are not ready to receive it. It is a tough position to be in, especially when you care about someone.  There are good people out there.  Keep looking and keep your standards high.

  6. i concur blue cheese is the perfect flavor additive but mama does make a nasty good gravy      but dad can crack the whip if mama's aint good and that bridge they made over that penisula of lava    what a great gift from god but in the end the bad guy always wins unless u have a pen and a pad of paper because everyone learned in the 3 and  a half grade that pigs cant swim, float, l**k, or fly all the way to the moon, but ive seen my pig BIG Bernard rilly give the air quite a show with his tremendous leaping abillity. I agree with GUUT654jJIUH he made a very good point about lawyers and their pursuit of happiness. They try so hard to dunk the ball put they always hit the rim (FIGURATIVLY SPEAKIN    ONLY IF U SPEAK MORROCAN THO) but as the bible stats always eat dirt before u wake up but not before u will never not not not not    smoke the light bulb of monica lewinski   have a happy casmir pulaski day and dont breath the air of phones cuz they have so much emotion u wont be able to control the mechanical bull when it comes a callin for u ur friends , ur family and ur second and tenth grade drama teachers  HAVE AN OLYMIPICUS DAY

  7. I don't think we should give up, but I think I know what you're talking about. It is getting harder and harder to find any real, genuine friends. It feels like most people are on the take, and you are only good for what they can use out of you. But sometimes I meet someone who gives me hope again!

  8. I agree with you.  Most people suck.  I try to be a good person, thoughtful and kind but it often goes unnoticed.  I just try to be the best me and take the high road.  Your family will be your pillar.

  9. Stop looking for the bad in people and start looking for the good.

  10. Yeah, I've given up on people in general lots of times but I can't seem to stop being an optimist.  I know because of experience that people will pretty much sell you down the river if they can make a profit off of it, and I can never just trust people, but I still keep looking for the good in humanity.  I mean, there have to be other good people out there, right?  I think they must just be very rare.

    I keep being disappointed, but I'm still gonna keep looking.  I'm not a quitter.

  11. Don't listen to people who say you are looking for the bad in people. Humans are naturally inclined to look for the good, so there must be some pretty $hitty people out there. I have not given up completely on people, but with more than 95% of people being rotten to the core, I have learned to be extremely cautious. Most people will never think for themselves because they are weak, and need someone stronger to control them. The only reason I'm still alive is because of my immediate family. Everyone else can burn in h**l for all I care.  

  12. all the time..sometimes i think that people are all the same..and im by myself..i dont feel like a part of society. i think sometiems that people are stupid, mean, they follow eachother, no one thinks for themselves, no one cares, everyone lies...and that all i have is my family...i still cant tell you whether people are genuinly good though, its impossible to tell what someone is thinking..

    and really, all you do have and what matters most is your family..

  13. Sweetheart what your doing is seeing the truth of reality as to the way the majority of the people on this earth are. You are the person that must take care of yourself because you are the only one that truly understands yourself better then anyone else. Then there is your Family, Family is a very important part of everyone's life because they are the only people that are capable of loving you unconditionally... meaning no matter what they will always love you. Then there are friends. friends are wonderful to have they are absolutely precious gifts from God provided they are TRUE friends. Then there are so-called friends the kind that are only around when things are good or when they need something or need help with something. Your outlook on life is splendid, your starting to view the way life really is. I Thank God every single day for my family and what TRUE friends I have because each and everyone of these people are gifts from God and bring total love and  emotional  prosperity to my life. Remember every Family member and TRUE friend you have are priceless darling so hang-on to them and feel blessed that God has given you these gifts! Gentle Hugs P.S. I am more then willing to welcome you as a new friend if you choose to, email me from my profile page and I will be more then happy to give you my Im info and we can talk about every or anything you choose like I said TRUE friends are priceless and a person can never have to many of those

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