
Ever gotten a strong vibe from someone that they were attracted to you...?

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Ok A friend of mine who I had not seen for quite sometime is getting married and we recently started talking again. He is a hugger type, very sweet and friendly. I am married. I have had this very, very strong since of an attraction....enough so that I drove away one day thinking this could not be possible, couldn't be happening, why now...etc... and it scared the c**p out of me to say the least. Then the next day I seen him again while we were both with friends and they also sensed this vibe between us. So I called him on it, ask him if what I sensed was correct and he said no. After that I put my hand on his hand and he did not pull away...not that I was making some play on him but more of a "hey, I hope you understand why I ask this" kinda touch...ya know? The thing is I know like I know like I know that there was some kind of vibe. I even played it off like it was all me and it must have been onesided...etc... This guy is a christian, he also had told me previously that he wasn't for sure if he would ever love this girl as deeply as he should and he just doesn't want to be alone anymore.

So I guess my questions are, have ya ever felt this before? From the guys, preferrably older, christian guys...would you admit to it if you were called on it if you had been in his place? Are hugger guys just naturally like this and make it seem like theres an attraction when maybe there isn't one? I mean even guys I know are somewhat leary of him because they think he is attracted to their wives, or SO. Would love your opinion on this one! Thanks!




  1. Yeah, I get that vibe on occasion, but I try to wait for more evidence that the vibe is real, or just fantasy.....and yes I would have admitted to it, even if I was married-if it was the truth.    One more thing...just because a guy is christian...doesn't mean he isn't tempted by flesh.

  2. doesnt sound like he likes u. you have nothing to prove that. hes just a friendly guy. you like him and scretly u want him to like u too. so stop wishing. he doesnt like you. and hes s christian he would never do that to you. your married why would u htink this way. how stupid. you shouldnt be thinking of any men your commited to your husband.  

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