
Ever had a Bad skating day???

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Ever had a "bad skating day?"

just wondering, so I could relate to other skaters. just couldn't land one of my jumps clean and I messed up on my spins. (usually i don't have these problems on a good day)

I know it has to do with a lack of concentration, low energy level or you're not in a good mood. I think I was tired, but other than that, do u ever have days that you can't seem to get some moves right, even though you usually do them well?




  1. Yes that has happened to me b4 and it wuz quite ANNOYING!

  2. uhh yah, this morning. i fell like three times before realising my blade was fully loose, and the bottoms were rotting out so there wasnt much i could do. aaaand nationals is coming up so im stressin ryt now :(

  3. Absolutely, everyone has good and bad days in life, of course it will spill over into any activity that you are doing.

  4. yeah sometimes I'm really wobbly or not in the mood either, but sometimes I just can't wait to get on the ice. I think it depends like you said, if your in the mood

  5. Yesss, and I couldn't even do a scratch spin properly, which I've been doing since I was about six. I ended up traveling from like one side of the hockey circle to the other, it was really bad! I tried an axel and I almost killed myself, lol.

  6. yes yes yes.

    i think its just mentally. im disheartened.

    but c'mon.

    even debbi thomas said "you cant be at an all time high for four weeks"

  7. Yes, I do. Sometimes, I'm just really stressed out with school and too tired to skate... So I always mess up....  Then I get pissed off... So I start sucking...

  8. Yep.  One day I was landing lutzes perfectly (a notoriously bad jump for me) and the next I couldn't even hit my loops properly (by far my best jump).  I realized later that my blood sugar was low, so that was part of it, but lack of concentration had something to do with it too.

  9. Oh yes, I think we've all had our bad days!  

    Maybe this is too much information . . . but I HATED skating during PMS time - bleh!  The bloating, the cramping, the feeling-down-on-myself time . . . OY!  I felt like a skating elephant (jumps and spins felt heavy and slow) . . . nothing seemed to go right. Grrrrrrrrrrr.  

    Ah - but sometimes it took a bad day (or week - ha) to make the good days feel that much more glorious!!!    

    **ETA:  I think you have a lot of reassurance here by everyone!  :)

  10. Yeah, I have had heaps of bad days, but you just have to keep trying, do simple things that you are sure you'll be able to do, stop doing something if it simply wont work and come back to it later. Sometimes you just need to take a break, I broke into tears during a lesson once because I couldn't land a lutz, which besides my axel is my best jump. Dont worry about them, you just have to get through it.

  11. Speed skaters have bad days too. =D

    I've had a few where I was dragging my blades, not getting low enough, just not able to get the proper push strength in corners.. It happens to the best of us!

  12. Everyone has a day or 10 like that sometimes I went a week like this.  You are right if your mind isnt there for whatever reason it happens.  I also found that when it happens and I get frustrated it gets worse haha but believe me it will pass and it will all even out.  I tried to jsut do laps around the ice for a few min to calm myself and relax or go into a corner and work on mastering your backspin.


  13. Oh yeah, and it pisses me off so much that I stomp around the rink muttering "Stupid, stupid, stupid day." I got it really bad a year ago. I was spinning and I kept traveling from one end of the rink to the other, and I slammed into a beginner skater and he fell on top of me while his rental skate boot blade plunged into my left calf. 8 stitches. I was so traumatized that I seriously considered quitting, but I didn't. So now, here I am, with 8 stitches on my left calf, desperately trying to land my axel. Lol. Anyway, at least you know now that other skaters have bad days too. =D

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