
Ever had a awkward moment with dad?

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have you ever felt weird around yur dad? well im a gurl and wel i was wearing a tang top and my dad was just sitting beside me and he put his hand on my shoulder but i kinda felt awkward. Don't take it in a creepy way..i reallyy love my dad n he loves me too..but it was just that awkward moment

even when we were wachign tv and this show was comingg...where the guyy is about to rape the was reallyy awkward then too..i jus try to change tha topicc

but have any of yuh felt the same thing?

i jus wanna say..i reallyy do love dad and it's nah any pervertedness..please..i even think my dad understands me more than my mom..but it's jus those awkward moments..i have never felt the awkwardness when my mom is maybe it's a gender thing?




  1. I have the same problem. And you were watching a movie where there was rape? okay..


  2. I have been the DAD, UNCLE, Grandad ,Friend of the family, ECT. and now I consult Yteens ,Newly married.,Y g*y/L/Bi  (I am not  religon associated)

       Yes I have been in situations where a girl became Uncomfortable with my presents and it is best handled by a soft voice saying "That makes me uncomfortable" other wise they(man) may never realize it and make the same mistake again that could lead you to belivie it is intentional disrespect of your feelings.

       One girl of 16 was practicing Cheers with me as her  only invited audience when her Jeans shorts tore between the legs during a splits routine she either didn't notice or ignored the breeze through her thong wedgiee and went into a backbend aimed right me . I spoke to her about the tear and she cried and ran off thinking of me as a dirty old man.And to this day 25 years later she still won;t speak to me. or let me talk to her children. I only wish she would have told me she was crushing on me and that it was all an  act. as her sister told me it was later . I would not have been there alone. nor would I have even mentioned the FUX PAUX  I would just have got up and left.

      Another time a Lady of 18 to my 47 was very physical in hugging and cheek kissing every meeting and parting and my hand went around her waist as we did this one time i was distracted and my hand went to her left breast and the nik-kle was hard but i put my hand on around her and when she kissed my ear it tickled, I exhausted air into her ear and she  later told someone I was trying to make her HOT by blowing in her ear and PINCHING her ^^ s. That would end me ever touching her again. I just turned my side to her and let her hug my arms down to my sides.

    Guys are dumb you gotta tell us a little about what not to do around you most of us know   NO f**t/blow snot rockets/scratch butt/balls/spit every two steps/eat finger nails/clean ears with paper clip/burp on command/tease children to make them cry=== all thing not to do but the finer points must be taught by rote again and again.

  3. omg you have no idea!! i will tell you a few. ok 1 of them is we were watching this movie i think 300 and there was a L*****n kissing and then some other s*x scenes and i was on the couch like omg make me dissapear NOW!! 2nd- i was watching secret life of the american teenager and my dad came in and sat down and i didnt like the fact that he was there watching a show about a pregnant teen about my age where this show has the "S" word in it alot.

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