
Ever had a dream about ppl dying?

by  |  earlier

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i have had some absolutely horrific dreams about my mum dying and i wake up really upset and disturbed. iv had about 4 i think in my life. Is there any significance or meaning for this?




  1. blah

  2. Many people including me have dreams of a certain thing that repeat throughout our intire lives. Yours probably means you have a fear of losing your mother like most people.

  3. to dream of a death frequently signifies news of a birth...(if its someone else)

  4. when    you    dream     of    a    death .   it    is   supposed    to    mean    you    will    hear    of    a    birth      

  5. Yeah i dreamt about my boyfriend dying tragically in a war. Was horrible, i'm not very good with dream interpretation but if you ask google for "dream interpretations" it should give you a list of websites which could help?

    I'm sure it's nothing bad. Most of the meanings behind dreams aren't obvious, so don't panic

  6. Usually when you have dreams about people dying, it means the end of an era, maybe not necessarily with that person, but it may be the end of an era in your life =)

  7. drink milk it will help you sleep better or so i have been told but don,t worry about it i am sure its nothing to worry about

  8. Well Has Your Mum Ever Been Sick Because That May Be The Problem. If Your Mum Is Sick You Might Be Scared Of Her Dying To This Sickness.

    Hope I Helped !

    Amy x

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