
Ever had a friend whom you trusted and then just ditched you?

by  |  earlier

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Please read my story. I know it's long, but bare with me.

Ever had a friend who you had good times with, looked out for, did favours for and shared stuff with. And then one day, they just ditched you? That happened to me about a year and a half ago now.

We were in college preparing to go to uni. My friend went on holiday the day we both had an interview at the university we both wanted to go to, so I went on his behalf as well as my own. Anyway I told him everything about it and that. Come results day, I do better than him, with 3 good a-levels and a good as-level. He got one average a-level and one bad a-level. Anyways, we both got into uni and on the course. Come the first day which was like an information day, he went on holiday again, and so I again went down on his behalf as well as my own. When he came back from holiday, I told him the information that night on msn, and how to make the final preparations for starting uni. It was then he told me he isn’t going to the uni in question. To which I said, “are you not? Then what are you doing next year?” He said, “I’m going to ? Uni.” This uni was a much more better uni, than the one we were going to. However it required higher grades to get in, which neither of us got. But there was thing called, clearances (filling the empty places) in which they dropped the entry level, and thus he got in and didn‘t tell me about it at the time. After telling me this, he then said, “I got in and it’s too late for you, bye.” He then cancelled me as a friend on msn, and I‘ve never spoken to him since. I was shocked at what just happened. I thought we were friends, and after everything I did on behalf of him, this is how he repayed me. I mean, I know I should have checked clearance myself, but I didn’t know they lowered the entry level, and after everything I told him, he could off least told me, right? Now a year and a half later, through other friends, I hear how he’s at a better, higher quality uni than me, even though he has lower grades. He is getting a better standard education than me, better facilities, he’s getting professionals even ceo’s coming in to work with the classes, and all these work experience opportunities. They put on trips to companies, some modules turned into actual work with a company. The uni has a fantastic reputation and has high links with many in the industry. He will leave uni with better employment prospects and probably end up earning more than me for the rest of our lives. I’m gutted in a sense, because I feel like I’ve been backstabbed, and cheated.

What do you make of this story?

Got any stories like this, if so please tell?




  1. Listen to me boy. If he isn't clever enough to get into that uni normally he will either fail or end up with a low degree. Stop the course you are doing. If he got in with worse grades then you. Apply to the same or an even better uni and show that **** hole what you're really made of

  2. Woah, thats quite bad, but thats what people do when they grow up, and maybe because he was jealous of you because you got higher grades than him and thought ''oh whatever he wont need me anymore'' and found somewhere else which he did.

    I was best friends with this girl called Shajia and then we became friends with Bronte, Holly, Jennie and Sarah well me and Shajia got treated like really nice at first we was included but within during year nine i got called a ''made up boyfriend liar'' because I wouldnt give bronte and sarah my boyfriends msn and then during the time they stopped talking to us and then my best friend Shajia well she went off with this girl called Tasfia. So I was pretty much stuck but of course I found new friends which are true.

    Some people just switch, they either use you or just dont want to know you anymore.

  3. I feel for you mate,their is nothing worse than getting back stabbed by someone who you thought was a friend it is just depressing. Although you should just think fuc him and move on if he is that inconsiderent.

    Same thing happened to me but not same situation and i have hated him ever since the little prick, i would love to fight him and beat the pony about of him.

    Anyways good luck with life.

  4. It's a shame but it's not the end of the world. Uni is what you make it, if you put a lot in then you get a lot out. If you work hard at your course then you'll do well, take a hand in organising your own work experience. You don't have to just accept that he'll have a better life than you,  if you really want to do well then you will. You got the better results so you'll probably have found uni easier, his uni might have more to offer but that's no guarantee that he'll do well.

  5. I think he used you and when he seen a chance to get away he took it. Just because it seems he is at a better place and will end up better off then you doesn't make it true. Your a better person by far, and that is what will make your life better. Be proud of what your doing with your life, and forget about trying to compete with this jerk, he isn't worth your time.

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