
Ever had that thought that you just want to go back and go down that other path and live your life that way

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instead of how your living now?

meaning.. s***w the goodie tooshoes life and go back to when you were a teenager living in distruction and freedom?




  1. lol, the path of destruction is fun for a while but eventually sucks ***

  2. And I, I took the road less traveled by

    And that has made all the difference.

    These days, the goodie two-shoes road is, in fact, the road less traveled by.  In my teens, I tried to be edgy, be a hood.  I even was arrested for possession of herion.  I cried like a baby and turned in my connection without a second thought.  I'm about as tough as toilet paper.  Maybe, just maybe, that road might have been the road for you, but it sure wasn't for me.  Whatever road you take, it should be the road that is closest to be true to yourself and who you really are.  It doesn't matter what kind of road their on, posers always pay the price.

  3. Not for me, because i'm only 15, and i feel i am taking the correct path.

  4. if we did take the other road ,would it be better,it really could be worse

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