
Ever heard holy voices that helped you?

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Like clear and without a doubt?




  1. I have never heard a holy voice ( I am thinking you mean like an angel).

    I did however one time while driving down this road experienced something that happened that may have just saved my life. i was to make a right turn between some buildings in an ally way to pick up a television at the back door of a repair shop but when I went to turn my steering wheel locked up and I could not make the turn. Thinking my steering had gone out i stopped my truck and popped the hood to see if the column pin had sheared off. I looked and everything seemed normal just then a large A/C unit fell off the top of one of the buildings and landed right where i would have parked. I got back in my truck and was going to get on my CB radio and call for a toll truck and as i reached down my other hand on the steering wheel, I was able to turn it. so yes i drove slow and tried it out and could not make it mess up again and got to the shop to have them check it out and they could not find a thing wrong with it.

    It never gave me any more problem after that. So was it something heavenly looking out for me? I do not know, was it something normally wrong? I also do not know. But I like to think that something holy kept me from going down that ally way.

  2. A few times I know a lot of people won't admit this because of question behind, it or they have not heard the voice of a angel heping them!

  3. holy voices? ,means multiple,and with an association with a

    divine power,and sort of boxed in a religious belief,(that

    is the way i understand it-)however,I'm not able to specifically answer your question

  4. I have heard my father (who has passed on) tell me to slow down while i was driving. I have felt other pressences around me, and felt instant calm. Do I beleive in an after life? YES!!

    Spirits and Angels are around us continuously

  5. Hello Allergic to Eggs,

    Hearing voices is an occurrence sometimes associated with schizophrenia.  In most such cases, however, the voices are far from helpful - they're normally quite destructive, and often very disturbing for the person involved.


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