
Ever heard of birth certificates?

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It's hilarious (sad) how the short obvious methods are how people take the long way and the obvious gets overlooked in favor of the long melodramatic route. BIRTH CERTIFICATES hullo




  1. Yeah I'm with you...I don't know why theres such a big inquiry.

    Just ask for the proper identification, birth certificate what not and be done with it.

    But knowing how some people think someone is going to claim China doctored those too.

  2. i dont think china has those

  3. haha no i've never heard of birth certificates :P

    i actually read on yahoo that they did give birth certificates but now cannot find the blog entry where it said that. i guess that author got it wrong. all the articles i've read basically say the exact same things with a couple of new paragraphs... im so bored with this

  4. passports say Jan, 1st 1992, how nice LOL,  Great date.  Even whiny anti-American fools can find that funny.

  5. You mean you never heard of teenagers using fake ID's to get into bars or Rated R movies?

  6. Would you like to use the birth certificates they used this year or the ones they have been using up until this year that says they are not 16?  

    They entered national and international events using papers that said they would be underage for this Olympics.  Don't forget China did the exact same thing back in 2000 and the girl later admitted she was under age.

  7. If China will use false passports, surely they will use false birth certificates, too.

  8. Two words:  white out.  

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