
Ever heard of or played "Light as a feather, stiff as a board"?

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What do you know about it? Did you ever try it? My friends and I used to play it at slumber parties when I was younger...just curious to know more about it.




  1. it is an old pagan therory that it you continually repeat to the mind that your body will float and become "light as a feather"

    it does work i have tried it. using group force to try and use the energy to leavtate and move a person is quite difficult, but it can be done. it requires patience and a determened grounp of people to use positive force in order to move things.

    read about it, its interesting ;)

  2. Party levitation/Diamagnetism levitation

    To do Party Levitation you will need five people, one to be levitated---henceforth to be called “The Levitatee”---and four to do the levitating---henceforth to be called “The Levitators.”

    Now the object of Party Levitation is to make the levitatee’s body so light in weight that the four levitators can lift him several feet into the air using a single finger each. If the experiment is performed properly none of the levitators will feel the slightest resistance to their efforts. It will be as if the levitatee’s body has lost his weight entirely.

    Instructions below

    Hope you enjoy~

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