
Ever heard of "I dose?" ITS FREAKY!!?

by  |  earlier

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basicly what it is is a "song" (but its not really a song) that you listen to with headphones, eyes closed, and consentrating on the music, and what it does is it simulates brainwaves, and after a while because it simulates brainwaves, it makes you see hear and feel things. you can experience out of body experiences, see someone you love die, feel like you're on drugs, feel like you are in love ANYTHING!! its soooo cool!

i did it today for the first time, and i listened to one called out of body. i felt myself away from myslef i dont know how to explain it but i felt like i wasnt in my body , but that i was shaking my own desk, that i was standing next to myself, and shaking the desk! idk its weird/cool

so do you guys know anything about it?




  1. "see someone you love die" ???????????

    I watched a video on this. Is this being sold at local stores..or do you have to order it.? You know..if you "act" like you're on drugs...and go out in might not be able to drive a car..and even if you don' might get arrested for being a public nuisance. You didn't say how extreme this device is. I need to know more about it to give an  opinion. For sure..I won't buy it. Just want to make sure my kids don't get hold of it if it's not safe. Thanks for telling us about this. Better to be informed than ignorant of what's going on in the world of kids etc.

  2. holy c**p..

    i wanna try that

  3. nope never heard of it. id like to see how they figured that out though...

  4. One that i have for putting yourself in altered states, is mantra beats...great for meditating with and for dreaming and what ever else comes of it....its by "Steve Roach" NDE music....the ones i have are...

    Tantra mentra

    35th parallel

    The space in between

    Swarm of drones......

    Puts an effect on your brain wave, specially great for going to bed, as they are constant slow soft beats, with different peaks..

    Theres many out there...and would love to get others, specially the one you are trying......Interesting question.....

  5. Okay wanna know a cool trick? Get one of those old record players. Then get the song record called, "To be or not to be". Then Play the record but instead play it backwards. Listen carefully and you'll actually hear wierd mumbling ghostly sounds on the tape. Dont know if anyone tried it but its freaky.

  6. I don't know what you want to know?

    Are you just looking to share your fun experience?

    Because yes, lol, I've heard of it. Used it a bit.

    It's actually called I-Doser.

    I don't have anything funny to share, but a friend of mine tried them with her sister, and ran around high for an hour or two at the local amusement park, lol.

    I also understand what you mean about the OBE. Depending on what you believe, you were indeed out of your (physical) body, and on the astral...

    I-Doser works a little different for everyone, but it seems pretty effective. And safe! Just make sure you have good headphones, because they are specifically called binaural beats - 2, you need the right amount coming in from each earphone.

    If you have any particular questions, lol, please add some additional details.

    Otherwise, glad to hear you've had fun!

    Edit: My friend suggested the program Brainwave Generator. Check it out  :)

  7. I do not know anything about it, but where do you  get the discs? and where did you get introduced to it?

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