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Is this a legit university? Is this an accredited university? is a diploma here accepted or recognized? what are the basic requirements to be an international student? Can you start college here, like freshman year, right out of Highschool? Do you need to be very fluent in german? This website is a link to that university, most of the details are in german so i cant quite understand their requirements. Thorough answers will get the full points! thanks .. heres the link:




  1. The Free University in Berlin was set up after the second world war in West Berlin, as the original Berlin University (now called "Humbold University") was in the Russian sector. It is a real university, but it certainly doesn't have the same stature or reputation as the Humbold. In fact, it became well known as a radical and dissident university, where young Germans would go to study to avoid national service (Berliners were exempt under the conditions of the occupation). Using the link below, you can go to the correct page on the site you quoted above. I've found all the info you may need IN ENGLISH.

  2. Check out these websites which should guide you regarding your questions as to accrediation and degree recognition:

  3. Where and how did you find it? If it's from your counselor, I think you should consult your counselor.

  4. u have to go to school in germany to get it free

  5. Below is the same website but in English. I have never heard of this university but there are quite a few universities in Germany. As far as your questions I will try to answer them the best that I can.

    Your question about if the diploma is accepted or recognized, well that depends on a lot of things. What is your major going to be? Check with a University here in the states to see if you can transfer (just in case) your credits from this university to theirs. Yes, you can start college right out of high school. In fact, in Germany, the schools only go up to grade 11. I would think that you would need to know a good bit of German in order to attend classes. There is a University in Rothenberg, Germany that will teach in fluent German in one semester. It is very intense but well worth it. Also, I might add that while colleges and universities in Germany are free to German students they may be quite expensive to international students. Good Luck in whatever you may choose.

  6. Hi there

    you have a very good answer from Kim S on the first question and the link of 'the travelingmartins' is perfect to this university.

    This is the Berlin's official university, so you can go by Kim S's advice.

    (I'm German)

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