
Ever just wanna quit?

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have you ever wanted to just throw your life away and sit on a couch and eat chips and drink Mountain Dew. I feel that way now. I just wanna quit you know.. just stop. And let the world go past and not move an inch. Just throw it all away. It is auckward. It kind of feels like every waking moment is sort of like a game and i am unfortunate enough to play it. Without knowing how to exit or save the game i just keep playing. as though there was no end. But that is just a feeling i guess. So here is my question. Ever just wanna give up?




  1. Yes, but feeling that way suggests you are not happy with certain elements of your life - instead of wanting to quit, find a way to improve your life and make it better. If you hate your job - find a new one. If you are in a bad relationship, end it (even if there are kids involved - if in the long term it's better for the kids, do it)!

  2. I definitely get that feeling, and it makes me sick because I know my life is better than 99% of this world's and I'm just a selfish brat for feeling this way. There are just certain aspects of my personality that don't allow me to be happy.

    Honestly, I just work out and do a good amount of drugs.

  3. you sound a bit depressed perhaps a few days away might refresh you a bit? but yes i do sometimes feel like giving up.

  4. Yes, alot actually. Best advice is to not give into those feelings. Go do something. Doesn't have to be constructive or motivating, just get up and go do something. Of course, if you drink 5 20oz Mountain Dew's this wont be a problem.

  5. I feel that way all the time, but remember, just keep fighting and you will win.

  6. yes, i feel like that sometimes, well a majority of the time...what can i say life sucks.

  7. Absolutely not!  In this world, you "get what you give" and if you are not contributing, you cannot receive...

  8. It gets boring after awhile.  You can only drink so much Dew and watch so many re-runs.

    Sounds like you just need a break.  Can you take a week's vacation and relax somewhere?

  9. Wow that would be an awesome thing to do. After a while you'd get bored though and decide that you wanted to play the game again. And you'd have a fresh mind.

    I think it'd be a good idea if you can for a while; it'd be a meditative way for you to compile your thoughts.

    Never forget that life is worth living though - killing yourself kind of quitting always sucks. Especially when you have a materialistically stable life; then killing yourself is just pathetic.

  10. Sounds like you're dealing with some minor depression?

    If you don't feel better in a few weeks try looking for someone to talk to.

    Most people at some point in time feel like they want

    to throw their hands in the air and say I QUIT!

    But they get over it and move on.

    I go threw it every dam* winter.

    Hope you feel better.
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