
Ever met a highschool football head coach that you've actually liked?

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i was just wondering, cause i cant stand mine. we've hada two different coaches in the past 3 years and they were both the same, (high tempered, short fused douche bags. it just really takes the fun out of the game. the whole staff expects you to know everything and rarely slow down and explain things. we just finished our first week of pre season and im starting to hate it. ive always liked playing football with my freinds and watching it but im starting to hate the sport and realizing what its all about. im gunna suck it up and finish but definetly not a chance in h**l that im playing senior year.




  1. Yeah we got a new coach and he coached for us in the 80's and hey had like 19 winning seasons and 1 losing. He just came back and we haven't won a State Championship since 1992 so he is supposed to really help us. He is a very relaxed coach. Have you ever seen Jim Tressel of Ohio State coach? He is just like that. Never gets wound up and always keeps his cool and doesn't get aggravated with his players/coaches. I guess it just depends on his coaching style. Last night for our first game with him we beat our division leaders and champions from last year by 50 points. So he is still a great coach.

  2. on the football field, no. but off the football field, yes. the only reason their like that is because they want to see you do good, but most of them don't realize that their acting like jerks.

  3. Is there such a thing?

  4. That's probably just his coaches face that you're seeing.  Deep down he's probably a teddy bear.  I am a correctional officer and I work at a prison.  I have to be firm and sometimes act like a jerk but that's not the real me.  Sometimes you just have to be that way to get your job done.  Once y'all get to know him you'll start to get to know his other side.

  5. They're freakin high school coaches - that means they're too stupid to coach in college or the pros.

    So of course they're going to be douche bags.

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