
Ever notice how some Americans find an enemy to justify themselves? May be called n***s, Blacks, Communists or

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Muslims, but it is the same old story of convincing themselves that they are somehow better than some other group. Who will these poor souls choose for their next enemy?




  1. When we stop asking questions like this then the world will be a better place. And when people stop answering them look out because then think about all the other stuff we could be doing. Like um, putting competent people in the white house.

  2. You left out a very important one - Liberals. I seem to be that according to some irate people who insist on emailing me their point of view. I think liberals are the new "pinkos"or commies.

  3. This is HUMAN history, not just Americans. I, as an American, choose ignorance as my personal enemy. And there is plenty of it to go around, as you have so kindly made everyone aware.

  4. Define American please.  To me, an American is someone who lives in the United States of America be they red, white, black, catholic, christian,jew, muslim, asian, etc.  So your question is idiotic, and I truly do not understand it.  

    Also, you support what the n***s did?

  5. I'm a little confused by your question also...but i do agree also...I'm a mexican-american...i was born here and it does seem to me that the a majority of the "white" community (not all) have some kind of grudge on other races, religions, or both..... you wouldn't beleive the looks i get from some white folks.... and i was born here....i'm not saying that other races aren't racist either.... but i think that the white community feels like other cultures are taking over...i don't know..... but i get confused also.... and this comment wasn't meant to offend anyone

  6. aliens.

  7. It's an old political trick.Governments do it all the time.By giving their citizens an enemy to focus on,it helps to keep a country united,& also allows the politicians to introduce laws that otherwise would be difficult to bring in.Look at the Patriot act in the USA,& the anti-terror laws in the UK.These laws are then used in non-terror related instances against the ordinary citizens.

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