
Ever notice that gun control advocates are usually ignorant about firearms?

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I've never, ever met anyone who was both knowledgeable about firearms and not in favor of the second amendment. Knowledgeable in this case means knowledge beyond the fact that guns propel projectiles called bullets which are potentially lethal. Perhaps this goes to show that fear and ignorance go hand in hand. Ted Kennedy's car has STILL killed more people than any of my guns. BTW I'm a veteran, so don't even mention the military please.




  1. Of course they are.

    If they knew very much about firearms they wouldn't fear them so. They would realize a firearm is but a tool. Many tools can be deadly. Axes, shovels, wrenches, knives, cars, - the list goes on and on.

    If they saw firearms as tools, they'd be forced into this realization.

    Unfortunately the only cure for ignorance is education,

    and most of these poor deluded fools are either unwilling to learn,  or are incapible of, learning.

    Thus the axiom: "There is no cure for stupid."

  2. Its not what you know that matters, its what you don't know that matters.* There is a lot that they don't know, and so much more that they have not experienced.* They can criticize, condemn, and complain all they want, but they have no justifiable, credible, or valid reason based on their own personal experience with Guns & Hunting.*

  3. How true.  Most gun control advocates learned everything from a bunch of Hollywood movies.  Funny - they don't believe the movies about space aliens or ghost - but if a six shot revolver has a special effect that makes it fire 600 rds a minute they want to ban this dangerous 'cop killer gun'.

    Worse.......... they are so sure that they know everything - they feel bad for us little people who don't know what we are doing.  

    When a natural disaster like Katrina hits California - and sick and injured people can't coss the street to a hospital because a group of looters or someone with a gun is not letting anyone across the street that day........... yeah, let me know how all this gun control stuff works for you folks.


  4. Yes they are,I don't know why they even open there mouths almost every thing they say is BS,and your average american that doesn't know much about guns goes along with what they say.

  5. yes and it is funny how they will go into the hunting category and thumbs down every answer given.

    Don't be afraid to uise the word UZI. If my liberal state (NY) did not have a ban on this weapon then I would have one right now. I had to settle for the M10.

  6. Yeah, but that is their purpose. If they had knowledge they would have nothing to talk about.

    Mike Savage says it best: "Liberalism is a mental disorder".

  7. Yes, this point has also been brought up a couple times before.

  8. The gun grabbers live in an imaginary world where all the world's problems are solved by banning all guns. They believe that criminals will abide by their gun control laws and that with enough gun control laws, everyone on Earth would live happily ever after like in the fairy tales.

    They are mostly ignorant about the firearms they are trying to ban or restrict. Like I remember when Senator Dianne Feinstein was talking in 1994 about banning "assault weapons" she said that we should ban all "semiauto assault weapons because they are designed to "spray fire" and kills hundreds of people". Just look at the ignorance of her statement.

    We know today that semiauto rifles fire only one shot per trigger pull, now, how can they "spray fire" when they are semiauto? Usually gun grabbers will say anything to scare the population into supporting their gun grabbing agenda.

  9. Not only are they ignorant about guns

    I can understand and accept that, most people fear what they don't understand

    But they are invariably ignorant of gun laws

    My mother was steadfastly against the sunset on th AWB ban

    Because it would allow fully auto guns on the street

    No amount of reason could convince her otherwise

    To the guy who knows all about guns

    The "flare" suppressor that you are so against does not make the flash invisible as you probably think

    It simply directs the flash away from the shooter so it does not blind him

    It in no way suppresses the flash from the casual observer, or target

    And the 2nd is no more about only self defense than it is only about hunting

    Look up the Athens County War or Pancho Villa's Oklahoma raid or the "rifle behind every blade of grass" comment made by a prominent enemy commander

    Those are also the intentions on the 2nd

  10. I always try to point out that the 2nd amendment to the US Constitution is there to provide the population with a realistic method of overthrowing a government that has become tyrannical. This is a fact that both sides tend to ignore to a large extent.

    With that said, a look at the website for the Brady Campaign will also show some significant lack of reality used by the gun control crowd.

    First of all, they try to use the numbers of firearms in possession of citizens as a major CAUSE of death and injury. They completely discount the human factor. A person bent on murder will find a way!

    In one of the "fact sheets" they say that:

    "In 2002 suicide by all means took the lives of 31,655 people in the United States: Of this

    number, 54% (17,108) were completed using a firearm."

    In essence, they are arguing that these suicidal people would not have committed suicide if a gun had not been available. NOT TRUE! A suicidal person, truly suicidal, will find a way to do it.

    In another "fact sheet" the Brady Campaign takes great pain to point out that the violence among African Americans features a large amount of firearm use. They are correct, there are a lot of guns being used when some members of the African American community commit violence against others. Of course they completely ignore the fact that the instances of street gang activity, drug use and dealing, prostitution, robbery, and just plain murder is statistically higher in that community and that most of the guns in use were obtained illegally! Again, if a person of any color or ethnic background is bent on committing a crime, they will find a way!

    So, you see that their main method of putting their arguments forward is by a twisting of the truth. They simply take the statistics that show methodology then argue that by removing the method, you will remove the possibility of the crime.

  11. And the ones that aren't ignorant are playing on the confusion of those who are ignorant, as this Josh Sugarmann quote shows:

    "Assault weapons... are a new topic. The weapons' menacing looks, coupled with the public's confusion over fully-automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons — anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun — can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons."

    Another quote from Josh;

    "The NRA is right...handgun controls do little to stop criminals from obtaining handguns."

  12. Yes, they know nothing about what they think they know enough to control, and the strangest thing is when they get attacked by a criminal they call 911 for a man with a gun to save them if they are lucky enough to be alive to get to their phone.

  13. They are not usually ignorant they are always ignorant they are ignorant to the real fact that guns don't kill people !

    People kill people !!!!!!!!!

  14. What's a flare suppressor?

    When Representative Carolyn McCarthy introduced her last "assault weapons" ban, she was asked why she included barrel shrouds, a question she couldn't answer. When she was asked what a barrel shroud was, she said it was "that thing that goes up."

    Fifteen or so years ago, Wisconsin was considering a ban on "Evil Black Rifles." I called my state representative and offered to take her to the local gun store and range to show her the difference (or lack thereof) between military-style semiautomatics and regular-looking ones.

    She told me that her father was a police officer, and she knew everything about guns. I should have called Colonel Jeff Cooper (RIP) to let him know I'd found his successor.

    So, no, I don't think that most anti's know anything about guns. They've seen too many movies, and think that a single shot from a .22 can blow out the side of an airliner, that people go flying through the air from being hit with a .38, and that any gun with a pistol grip is a machine gun.

    If ignorance was painful, I'd buy a lot of stock in Bayer.

  15. I think it should be a law that anti's can not have kids.

    here come the TD's

  16. Just An Observation about Hollywood comments:   I have friends who think my 1894 Winnie, (made in the early '90's), is an antique, and therefore much less dangerous than my 10/22, which sports a PDP2 red dot, and a  25 round mag.  I have a Marlin 25N, painted flat black, with a 4-12x40, that has been called a "Sniper Rifle".  LOL

  17. It is common that many people want to control anything they don't understand.  Look at many of the laws in this country and through out the world for that matter.  This will prove my point.

  18. I know quite a bit about pistols and a bit about semi automatic rifles myself. I do believe that the second amendment is slightly outmoded. I believe in the right to bear arms, but I do believe that we should not have the right to bear rocket launchers. Seriously, you do not use Uzis for self defense. I believe that we should have the right to own and carry a pistol. I do not believe we should have the right to equip our pistols with flare suppressors.

  19. If it's any consolation, most of the people who are making the laws that govern us don't have any experience with any of the things they regulate.

    1) Most Senators and Congressman have never owned or run a business (except, maybe a law office), but they don't have any trouble deciding for the rest of us how much profit is "windfall" or "excessive".

    2) They've never handled a payroll, but they tell us what minimum wage should be, and decide how much of a CEO's salary is excessive.

    3) They've never designed cars, but they can pass laws decreeing minimum mileage standards and s***w up the marketplace factors of supply and demand by issuing tax credits for certain types of cars like hybrids.

    4) Most have never any military service, but instead of listening to the officers on the ground and in the Pentagon about their needs for force strength, decide on some arbitrary pullout schedule for our troops in harm's way, and expect our soldiers to extend civil rights protection to the enemies who are trying to destroy them.

    5) Most have no teaching experience, but pass guidelines for testing that force teachers to "teach to the test" instead of giving the students a proper well-rounded education. And note how many political "leaders", after s******g up the public school system, send their own kids to private schools.

    One of the best bosses I ever had told me once that the best way to be a successful leader is to surround yourself with people who know what they are doing and are good at it, and let them do it. I wish our public officials, from Mayors to the President, would heed that advice. Instead of listening to their political advisors, listen to the real people out here that really make the world work.

  20. Beyond simply pressing the usual buttons and a fair case of trolling, your point is...?

    I don't know a particularly large amount about small pox, but I know enough to know that it kills people and should be wiped out.  Abortion, the same way.  I also don't know a lot about modern automobiles nor alcohol....but I know that the two don't mix.  Under your rather warped logic, I should research the history of distillation and mechanical engineering before I can vote in favor of anti-drunk driving laws?

    I don't know a lot about pedophiles....but I voted to keep them out of our local city parks.  I'm also a lapsed member of the NRA, but I voted to keep guns out of school zones.  Yeah, guns don't kill people yada yada yada....but knives don't tend to go off accidentally and kill innocent bystanders.

    June 26 of this year, a couple of counties over, a father was "cleaning" his Ruger 10/22 when it "accidentally went off".  It hit his 15-month-old daughter just below the sternum.  He thought he knew a lot about guns, too.  I'd wager that she probably didn't...but she's still just as dead.

    There's a *lot* of things in this world I don't know much about.  I revel in being blissfully ignorant of the junk that simply doesn't interest me.  But my lack of knowledge on any given topic isn't going to cost you your life.

  21. Amen...people fear what they don't understand. By the way thank you for serving our country.

  22. The gun control nuts don't think that there is any such thing as responsible gun ownership. They are under the ignorant notion that guns commit crimes. If every gun in the world disappeared tomorrow, criminals would just start using knives.  Would they want to outlaw all knives then? Look at Great Britain, guns aren't readily available so they are experiencing an epidemic of crimes with knives.

  23. They have to be stupid, it makes their job easier. But then there are those who are not, know it's BS but continue because of their personal agenda.

    Remember the 4 kinds of gun control nuts, all stem from the disinfo spread by the last on the list:

    I stole this:

    "Utopian Idealists - Dreamers willing to ignore human nature (anger, hostility, temper, greed, lust, hunger, poverty, want, megalomania, social pathologies, etc.) in the vain hope for a world where no one ever needs to defend themselves or others; Result: misguided efforts to disarm the public since no one should ever be capable of exerting lethal force for any reason. Fairly rare."

    "Routine Bigots - Ignorant gun haters who, generally, have never actually seen a real gun much less fired one, and hate what they don’t know; strong corollaries with race haters; Result: Vigorous anti-rights profile if left alone, however they often resolve their blind hatred when education removes the ignorance -- frequent anecdotes of such folks “converting” after their first time at a range. Quite common."

    "Hoplophobes -- Unfortunate souls afflicted with a phobic terror of firearms, deserving of pity, and in need of medical attention; Result: Though they should never be involved in setting policy on self defense, national security, or Second Amendment rights, they often insinuate themselves into such positions, their need for treatment goes unattended, and they cause grevious social harm. Easily mistaken for plain bigots. Too common."

    "Power Mongers - Like some at the U.N or many anti-gun-rights politicians, they know full well that an armed public interferes with their plans, and they insidiously use lies about the gun issue, and “disarmament (of you but not them) as a road to peace” as a power base and source of support; Result: truly evil, tyrannts who ultimately suppress human rights, contribute to global genocides, live an elite lifestyle, care not for their fellow citizens. Rare but extremely dangerous."

  24. This is true. They don't want to know. They're elitists in their own minds and believe they have understanding that is superior. The liberal mentality is like a fog that clouds the mind.

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