
Ever possible?

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Today at the zoo I was watching the chimps and one of them charged towards me and attempted to jump across the canyon separating us, almost made it too, about one foot away...this near death experience lol, got me to thinking...Are chimps evolving right in front of us? Will a human-chimpanzee war ever happen? Those bonobos (kanzi and whatsherface) that can communicate very effectively combined with the new chimpanzees in africa making spears....this is all very startling, what if the strong ability to communicate and logic ever gets combined with their innovation? Could we have a human/neandertal situation? With two different species of human type creatures roaming the earth competing? I know this sounds crazy but is planet of the apes a possibility?




  1. It would take THOUSANDS of years to happen if it ever could.  There is no way to know where evolution is going for any animal, so it's possible, but highly implausible.

  2. By the time they evolve into Pan Sapiens, we will have evolved into Homo Sapientior. There needs to be an evolutionary pressure to evolve towards intelligence, and since the chimpanzees are so well adapted to their environment, that pressure would appear to be lacking.

  3. Yeah, but whoever wins, has to mate with the losers females...

    Think about it!

  4. lmao
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