
Ever read any of these books? And what did you think?

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These next few books aren't very big like Harry Potter and Twilight but the writing is SO much better! So if you haven't read them, give 'em a try!

The Dark Reflections Trilogy by Kai Meyer

The Wave Walker Trilogy by Kai Meyer (yes I like Kai Meyer!)

In the Forests of the Night by Amelia Atwater- Rhodes (only 13 when she wrote this!!)

Midnight Predator by Amelia Atwater- Rhodes

The Keisha'ra series (there are 5) by Amelia Atwater- Rhodes

Now I'll tell you a bit about them! The first is a fantasy, taking place in an alternate Venice and the main character is Merle, a 14 year old girl who doesn't know much about her past. Her friends include Seraphin, 15 year old master thief and Junipa, the blind girl.

The Wave Walkers (I've only read the first) is about pirates! The main charater is 14 year old Jolly the "polly wog" a person that can walk on water! Her friends include Munk, the only other polly wog left alive, Griffin a pirate boy through and through and Soledad, pirate "princess"

In the Forests of the Night and Midnight Predator are vampire novels, much more mature then Twilight and In the Forests of the Night was written by a 13 year old!

Keisha'ra is about two warring shape shifting groups, the avains (bird shifters) and serpintines (i think... they're snake shifters) and to have peace the young queen of avains and young king of serpintines must marry.

They are all really good book so check them out!




  1. og thanks soo much! (i've been looking for books to read!)

    by the way, are these books romantic?=/ (im the romantic kind of girl)

    sorry if i sound..i dunno...something not very nice anyway.. but i like  the books i read to have the element of romance in it^-^

  2. The only one of those I've read is In the Forests of the Night, but I loved it. ^^  I actually picked up a couple other books of hers from the library based solely on how good that one was.  I don't remember much now because I think I read it in middle school though... ^^;

    I wish my sister was as enthusiastic as you!  I tried to lend it to her, and she says she got bored. -_-;  She did the same with Narnia, Pendragon, Wheel of Time, and Pern.  

    Anyway, awesome. ^^

  3. I've read some books by Amelia Atwater- Rhodes and thought they were pretty good.  But I haven't read all of her books yet and I haven't heard of the other books you mentioned.

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