
Ever seen a REAL ghost??!?

by  |  earlier

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I think I have. Me and my sister woke up to this big black cloud in our room. Do you think you have ever seen a real ghost?




  1. yes

  2. i have seen many spirits, and a few ghosts....spirits are on a higher vibration/frequency and ghosts are somehow grounded to the physical world because of "unfinished business" or they are not accepting the light for some reason. they are more agitated or frustrated with something...

    i have seen 3 ghosts so far, i named them all too when i was working with them, hehe....i helped them all go into the light. they kind of scared me at first, kind of a lot actually.....they never did anything (one of them was kind of noisy and made A LOT of fuss) really, its just surprising to see them....basically, i just talked to them and told them to go into the light. and that was it....i never saw them again.

    they show themselves in funny ways, was in black and white (theres a whole story behind that one), one was in his teens and the other kept watching me and hiding from me all the time. he was curious i guess....that one kind of scared me a little. he was really loud and fussy in the kitchen. thank god he's gone!!! lol....big black cloud? i'll research that isn't good wouldve been a better sign if it was white. but research it...maybe this sight will help?

    good luck figuring out what that was!

  3. I lived with my great uncle for a time.  His wife died along with three others when they drove off a bridge into the river.  They missed the bridge after a night on the town.  

    The water would turn on in the kitchen sometimes when nobody was around.  My uncle tried to fix the faucet, but it happened to my sister too.  I thought my aunt was trying to do stuff around the house and felt inconvenienced by us.  Other people moved into the house later and said they thought the house was haunted.

  4. i dont know if i've seen one for sure, but i believe in them. definately.

  5. Did the the cloud have any type of form to it? Such as a human form? You may have seen a Shadow Man.

    I have seen ghost, demons. Things you would never want to see. So I believe you.

  6. Ghosts sound cool, but unfortunately they can all be explained by psychology, mass hysteria, hoaxes, eyesight problems, tiredness, drugs, dehydration etc. Or a mixture of these. Our brains like to trick us into believing silly things, because when we are scared or amped up for some reason, our brains automatically reach for an answer to explain the feeling. If the first thing you think of is 'ghost' then that is what you will believe afterwards. SOrry.

  7. As apposed to a fake ghost? Sorry, had to say that.

    Yes, I see them all the time, it is my gift/curse.  I can also comunicate with them.

  8. I have never seen a ghost but I have seen pasted on family members(when I was younger) and was able to see my spirit guide under meditation.

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