
Ever seen the movie Constantine?

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let me start by saying i am not crazy. spiriual and religious but not crazy. not a "bible thumper", but i believe in God. i think i am just an average 21 yr old guy who is sane and takes no sort of drugs. so heres where it gets crazy and complicated and you get to finally know whati am REALLY asking ...

we feel like an actual , more realistic version of john constatnine. i feel i am more connected to the spiritual side of things and have seen things i cannot explain. things i just know and feel thru and thru. i feel like i am meant for something, to fight, for lack of a better word. i have only met less than a handful of people who feel like i do and we have only acknowledged it becasue we feel connected to each other on levels we do not fully understand. we all are not crazy. we are not like a cult or anything. we all believe in god and live like normal people. we just have this "calling", that we know is our purpose now i ask that question ... Does anyone feel the same as we do?




  1. The calling is an interesting concept but its not born from Christianity like the movie Constantine portrays it to be its actually a Hindu  concept if have ever seen Xena: Warrior Princess you would find it there :) but in any case I think we all have a calling and at times we don't even recognize it. It was like that for me. I never thought that I would become a healer of sorts but nevertheless I chose that path when I was in undergrad and now I am an intern as a Practitioner of the Healing Arts and I would not be happy with any other type of job.

  2. Yes, I am a 24 yr old Nursing student, I feel that my carreer choice has something to do with the same things you are talking about.  I understand how it is frustrating to have these feelings.  I just feel like there is something meaningful and important, something that will affect alot of people that will one day happen and I will play an important role in whatever it is.  I'm also not crazy, but very open-minded.  I tend to look deeply into things that most people never think twice about.  Also not "bible thumper" but I've read things in it that seem like they were wrote for me alone.

  3. i feel the same, i get pretty confused sometimes though just because i havent met that many people like me, but i feel exactly like that.

  4. we are the people who truly understand.

  5. I have seen all the movies too. I all ways go away thinking that there is something going on that we don't know about. There is a war being fought, but we just don't see it. I was raised Catholic. I haven't been to church since 1989. I have my reasons, but I do believe in a God. I have seen ghost for many, many years. I have even asked a question about hearing my name being called. I was told to go see a doctor, I was going crazy. The people that don't experience the things we do, don't understand it. h**l I don't even understand it, or why me. I think we all have our own battles to fight, but when the day does come, we might some how met. I know you are not trying to put together a team like the X Men, but some people might think that. We don't have special powers. We can just see, and feel things others can't. And that's what makes then think we are all crazy. What we don't understand, we fear. That is the survival trait of being human. If you want you can send me a message. I live in Los Angele's, the home of the crazes. So I don't stand out. But I do get the ones on the street telling me "you see them don't you". You see people think the homeless are the crazy ones. I think they just took what we have and went a little too far. Maybe they are the "war hero's" of the battle going on that we just can't see.



  7. i understandd 100% ive been seeing things since i was little and have been getting rid of them since i was 13 years old.

  8. alot of the things you say, i recognize.

    ike for example: that you all have a calling.

    well, i feel evreybody has a calling.

    & evreybody has a purpose in this world,

    but the hard part is finding it and/or knowing what it is.

    i've also felt connected to some people for no reason..

    yet i bleive this comes from commun past lives or from a similare state of evolution of the soul.

    we all have a different purpose & calling..

    but we all find different ways to make sense of them.

    ps. what exactly have you seen that you cant explain?

  9. I understand you completely.   I believe in God just as you do.  But i've seen too much myself the really consider myself christian.  For I am far more spiritual than religious.  I feel the same calling...that I'm here for something more.  Like a fighter.  I've had many dreams where I call upon a golden sword to protect me and my family...and in my waking life feel I carry the same sword for protection.  I often tell ppl I should be an exorcist.  How often do I battle demons in my dreams?  I don't believe you are crazy.  From experience you are more connected to the world around you than most.  You are sensitive to your envirnoment and are open to the vibes you recieve and hae the capability to interpert what you receive.

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