
Ever since i have been taking lexapro, i am staying harder longer is that normal? o and i ejaculate later

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Ever since i have been taking lexapro, i am staying harder longer is that normal? o and i ejaculate later




  1. SSRI's do that. Yes, normal.

    In fact sometimes this is prescribed for premature ejaculation.

  2. Lepraxo can have that as side effect:SSRI's do that. Yes,it is very normal..

    In fact often this is prescribed for premature ejaculation.


  3. The most commonly observed adverse events in Lexapro patients are insomnia, ejaculation disorder (primarily ejaculatory delay), nausea, sweating increased, fatigue, and somnolence.

  4. Lexapro is an SSRI antidepressant, SSRI antidepressants cause high levels of sexual dysfunction.

    You description would tie in with the common side-effects in males. One to discuss with your doctor?

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