
Ever skip work and never called in?

by  |  earlier

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cause you just didn't feel like going to work and you hated it so much in the first place that you could careless if you got fired or not?




  1. No, because I want to get paid.  

  2. yup! all the time.. i just don't know why the company still doesn't fire me..... is it because the president of the company i work with happens to be a friend of my dad???! you tell me.

  3. omg you don't know the half of it...... Union shop.... Fired ?.. What's that ?.. There was nothing to hate ; sometimes we just didn't feel like working.. Of course this was probly before you even existed as a group of cells !..  haha.. Oh well..

  4. Yes, I had a emotional breakdown and couldn't even bring myself to call in sick.  That's how much I hated the place. Basically didn't show up for 2 months (with pay) and they made me redundant.  Received $5000 so they could get rid of me.

    Cool eh?

  5. yeah thats what got me fired

  6. why do you think my avatar is sitting in a courtroom?

    i shot my boss!

  7. Yes, twice a week for three months until I finally gave up and actually quit. This was at a camera store ten years ago.

  8. Sure I have. That's the joys of working for my father's business, he doesn't care if I'm on time, what I wear, if I take breaks for naps ( I have a lovely sofa in my back office) and if I don't feel like coming I don't have to call.  

  9. Only the time I got thrown in jail.

  10. nope

  11. When I was about 19 I worked at a print shop on the 4 pm to 11 shift. It was a lousy job and one night when I went in, before I was on the clock I was seen throwing my lunch in the trash and walking out the door.

    This was on a Friday and I was off Saturday and Sunday, so I had the weekend to think about what I had done, as I had not contacted work at all.

    By Monday I decided I still needed to eat, so I went to work with no story in mind. No one said anything to me when I arrived and I merely went to my machine and began working. I thought that I had gotten away with my indiscretion!

    At about 8 PM as we were all breaking for lunch, the day supervisor showed up and made a bee-line for me. He demanded to know what happened to me Friday, that he had heard that I walked off the job with no word to anyone!

    In desperation my mind raced and I lied on the spot. I said that I had been out drinking the night before and when I got to work Friday I suddenly messed my pants. I said that I was so embarrassed that I walked out the door without talking to anyone.

    He bought it, and I got to keep my lousy job.

  12. i only got the chance to do that once

    i could not do it again being i had no job lol

  13. why dont you quit?

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