
Ever <span title="wonder.........................?">wonder......................</span>

by  |  earlier

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what the speed of lightning would be if it didn’t zigzag?




  1. same speed

  2. It&#039;s not zigging or zagging, love.  You&#039;re drunk.

  3. Nope, I&#039;m really not that sad.

  4. Its the same speed have you ever heard th saying as fast as lighting you dont say at the end well depends if its a zigzag lol

  5. Yes sometimes I think about it .. I guess it would be a bt faster consider it woud go straight..Right ?

  6. Wouldnt it be the same speed? Just it would take slightly less time to get where its going..?

    Edit: And i mean only a tinnnnnnnnnnnny bit less time, as it is going at the speed of light.

  7. Lighting has to have a soruce to where it is going. It starts frome the bottom up u just cant see it i think :O

    so think of it as a magnet

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