
Ever stopped and wondered while asking a question here....?

by  |  earlier

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if it is really you or the little voice in your head doing the asking?

In other words, when we read your questions, are we looking at you or your ego?




  1. Neither of them I hope, my questions are c**p!

    *haha thanks rose :-D

  2. i dont hear voices in my head o.O if u do u should see a doctor? lol

  3. I have thick ear wax in my ears and cant hear any little voice in my head

  4. You're looking at me. I mean everything I say here.

  5. I have wondered where my questions have come from (not only here, but in my daily life as well). And have been reminded of my curious approach towards most matters... I ask and want to understand things and people - their intentions, motivations, feelings, thinking.

    But in all honesty, I don't know whether it's my ego or natural curiosity doing the asking at times (or if they take turns, hehe), but either way, they are both part of me.

    I'm not responsible for my alter-ego though.  :-P

  6. you hear voices in your head..?

  7. FINALLY!! Somebody  understands me...


    ... and me!

  8. sometimes it's me, sometimes it's one of my alter egos

  9. Gender is inherently separative, so I would say that it is always my ego.

  10. yes

  11. Either way, its there and needs to be asked. I hope you feel better soon :)

  12. I only ask questions when I can't figure out the answer.

  13. Yeah, heaps!

    Its like theres this window where words form in my head,and I know before speaking them aloud in my mind what they are,a and they sort of drizzle out of my conscious mind and they get tapped by my fingers, or spoken.

    Theres a sort of buzz of possibility where they come from, where  I kind of know what I'm going to say even though I haven't, and usually a chrysallis of things that I haven't articulated but I know I will say later, when answering a question like this.

    That constantly revises itself as I type answers out, and sometimes, like already born butterflies, new bits of idea come in without being asked.

    I don't know that the voice in my head is ego so much as maybe internal dialog.  Ego might motivate me to say certain things, or look to aggrandize myself, or present my idea in flowery language, or to be concise, or to wonder how others will react to it.  The way I answer certainly reflects my ego, but I think my internal dialog works kind of at the service of my ego.

  14. It's my life journey and constant effort to make sure all the facets of my being are balanced and remain in a tranquil, singular existence.

    (All the same for me, I don't fake anything)

  15. i only do what the voices in my head tell me to do anyhow..

    and besides...ur just jealous coz they only talk to me!

    ( the voices said it..not me..i have no me!)

    EDIT: we agree Johno...( the voices said it..not me..I think ur questions are great!)

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