
Ever switched religion? ?

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  1. Baptist to Jehovah's Witness.

    They had logical answers to everything and relied on the Bible for those answers but also recognized that the Bible had to be in harmony with proven science [not theory].

    No obligation free home Bible study gets you the facts.

  2. no

  3. Catholic to LDS.  I could not believe in a religion I could not find the spirit or logic in.

  4. I'm thinking of going from Christian to athiest

  5. Christian to Deist.  Christian theology is illogical.

  6. Jewish to Atheist I don't believe in God

  7. Well luckily, my parents have never given a c**p about religion and seem completely indifferent (though they clearly see how ridiculous the doctrines can be). That said, as a child, my school (not a religious school) did force Christianity upon us. At least once a week for 7 years, I had to hear about "God" and biblical stories and how Christianity is so marvellous. The one, single time we were told about other religions was when we had a substitute teacher for a day, and even then it was treated as a foreign idea - they believe that but you should believe this.

    So you could say that back then, as a child, I believed there was a deity of some sort, despite the lack of evidence and the complete and utter nonsense written in the Bible. I did not believe this through choice, it was what I was surrounded by.

    However, when I got to High School, the indoctrination sessions were gone, and I realised just how ridiculous religion was. This gradually led to my realisation that the whole "God" concept was just as ridiculous. I am now an atheist. Granted, atheism isn't a religion, but surely I am better off without a religion, freeing myself from a system of beliefs that obliterates critical thinking and allows people to think that illogical explanations and supernatural entities can account for things that go on the world. I believe what has been proven to be factual, and if anyone claims they have a fact for me, they'd better make d**n well sure they have evidence (e.g. evolution - fact; creation - rubbish).

  8. Christian




    Born again christian

    To JPA heathen, it sounds like you were getting preached to by a crooked pastor.  Try and find someone else who preaches love to you.

  9. I was "Christian" until I realized that I was an atheist. I had always known I didn't believe, I just was too afraid (as a kid) to be honest with myself. Best thing I ever did was admit that there is no god. =)

  10. NEVER, I have always believed in my Lord Yeshua

    ( Jesus )

  11. Never.  I am a Christian / Denomination:  New Testament Church.  Why have I never changed? Because I have seen spiritual growth and a real relationship with God.

  12. Catholic, atheist, buddhist, fundie, epsicopalian, catholic.

    I was hurt very deeply by the catholics closest to me, the teachings of the buddah pointed me back to the fulfillment of his philosophy -- to chirst -- I wanted to live like a first century chrisitan, therefore I came homw to where we do that.

  13. answer: Yes.

    Short version: Christianity left me lonely, depressed and alcoholic.  I found the religion I was made for.

    Long version

    I was raised Christian but never seemed to fit in or understand (or believe.)  I prayed, I asked, I begged, I tried for 15 years to get some kind of answer in Christianity, to make it fit. I only felt lonely and out of place. The doubts and questions weren't answered logically and I never felt "saved".  I never reached the level of belief.  I became an adult and kept trying with no success.  

    I reread the Bible, listened to preachers condemning me and saying AIDS was God’s punishment on homosexuals and studied the bible. Studying the bible did it finally.  I decided that wasn’t for me.  I couldn’t worship the deity in Christianity.  I never found the “loving” god so I stopped trying and looked elsewhere. Alcohol didn’t work and only messed up my life so that ended quick.  

    I was Wiccan for 10 years and that was MUCH closer to what I was looking for but not quite it.  Having gods and goddesses made perfect sense to me.  Eclectic paganism had been close but not exactly what I was looking for.

    I began exploring my ethnic roots (going through Native American traditions, Celtic paganism and then I found heathenism.  It took 10 years before I found the deities and religion waiting for me.  From the moment that I picked up a book on heathenism I knew what I had been missing.  I continued reading what little was available (two good ones, a couple of miserable ones) and it was like a lightbulb going on in my head and life.  Now I have that challenge, love, acceptance, and encouragement I was looking for in Christianity without the threats of h**l or requiring me to change my orientation.  

    Heathenism sings to my very nature.  

    As part of a Reconstruction religion, it's exciting because we question everything and that's welcomed. New information is found every year that lends insight into the religion of our ancestors. Personal insight and experience also is welcome in the religion but is taken with "a grain of salt".

    Everything is questioned until verified or it remains in a nebulous state in the religion.

    My deities don't want me to grovel to them or turn the other cheek to an enemy. They want me to live honorably and always question, seeking knowledge and honor them, my family, my friends, my ancestors and my self.

    Freedom, Tolerance, Boldness/Courage, Self Rule, Moderation, Steadfastness, Generosity/Hospitality, Truth, Equality/Justice, Family Responsibility/ Community, Honor, Strength, Troth/ Loyalty, Self Reliance, Wisdom

  14. I switched from Pagan to Christian. I have a very personal relationship with God now, and I'm very happy!

  15. Atheist to Christian, I saw the error of not believing .

  16. Catholic to Alliance to Assembly of God

  17. Never left Jesus

    Left Christian churches because they never made me feel welcome. It feels like they separate one from real spiritual experience because they have to be in charge.

    Of course that is only my experience others have had the opposite by which they got help; not me though.

    I looked at allot of things and my Friend Jesus fitted in just about everywhere:))

    I feel more Hindu than anything else now.  

  18. Eastern Orthodox to Atheist to Wicca (very short time) to Asatru.  h**l of a list ;-)  So if I act like I know it all, its because i probably do :P (KIDDING! [somewhat])

    Why did I leave xtianity behind?  It left a very bad taste in my mouth the more I learned about it.

  19. Yes.  I used to be committed to ME

    Y'shua liberated me.

  20. Catholic to JW.

    They answered all my questions and more from the Bible.

  21. I am a Christian, but thinking about becoming a Druid

  22. Vedic Hindu to Christain (was told I would burn in h** take that for what you will) to having no religon and just having a personal relationship with God.

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