
Ever think your personality doesn't fit the type, "survival of the fittest"?

by Guest63967  |  earlier

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I am an introvert. Awkwardly social. Narcissistic. Somewhat very cold. Everyone needs to love me just by looking at me but I don't need to return that love. I handle bad situations very very badly. They haunt me, I can't cope and they get me down for years. I think that my personality would be eliminated under the "fittest" theory. Anyone else think this way about theirs?




  1. sounds like you need to get laid.

  2. The concept of "survival of the fittest" is one of the biggest lies and grandest illusions invented by man.  It was created by the masses in control over the mellenia and centuries before that.  The reason, so that you must compete for this stuff called life.

    Now, my answer to you is this....don't even dare try and become anything different than what is in your heart. If you feel there are areas where you can improve, then yes, go for it, try to change only those qualities.  

    Just remember as corny as this may the end of the day....all you are is just "Be".  That is more than enough.  People will begin to question you at your behavior once you let this new concept sink in.  They will give up with you and wonder why you no longer play their game.

  3. i think some people might think that but i don't and here's why. 1st i'm not big on the survival of the fittest theory. Lesser organisms than us live in societies and it does take a village. Give any jerk who thinks he's special a little vacation in the jungles and you'll learn that you are nothing without society you cannot survive in any appreciable manner. You will be dirty hungry and cold, some people may last a little longer than others but most everyone would be dead in a month or two. Doesn't matter who you are hunters campers, they know full well what supplies you need to take to temporarily survive.

    Therefore, survival takes a village and it should not be about survival from eachother, no other creature destroys itself as much as we do, it is survival against nature, It is creating life and food and societies, not destroying societies and this thuggish compete with others to steal from them at the Administrative level. But we need to work together and when some people get that through thier heads we'll be better off.

  4. well technically it should be survival of the fastest

    because if something was chasing you

    and you could run faster than the next person

    you would survive.

  5. I am also somewhat an introvert, perhaps not as severe as your case.  I think it fits fine in the evolutionary model that you mention because assuming that this IS your personality, and it WON'T change, and you KEEP going on like that, then eventually you will find someone who is similar and you will both be happy together and have babies.

    - There you go, that's your genes surviving a generation.

  6. yes but in humans there is no surival of the fittest we make so there is no need to evolve....

  7. Well social darwinism is something that fortunately doesnt always have to be a factor in our lives. Actually in some ways when we fail to FIT IN we do die in a sense.

  8. Interesting Q!  I was one that almost didn't survive--from suicidal ideation; marriage to an abusive man; etc.  But good psychotherapy got me back to self-survival preservation and have reached a really good productive life!!  I had been taught not to cause waves with anyone.  I think our "personalities" stem a great deal with our early up-bringing.  I am thoroughly convinced that I'd NOT have survived, had I not found good therapy!!!

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