
Ever thought what's next for homo sapiens in the evolution?

by  |  earlier

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How would you describe it?




  1. that is the funniest thing i've ever seen yahoo actually blocked ho mo in homosapiens.  

  2. we're going to run out of all the natural resources that keep us alive before we'll get the chance to find out.  But if one or two find a way to survive, I hope at least they're intelligent - like REALLY intelligent and not just lucky.

  3. Probably lose the appendix and that bladder we used to use eating raw meat. I'm also guessing that sexual dimorphism will decrease.

  4. Maybe we lose our wisdom teeth if left up to nature.

    Humans have basically taken evolution into our own hands with genetic engineering.

  5. I think it will involve an increase in the use of technology within our bodies.  I imagine we will evolve to become more integrated with the technologies we use.  

    One thing in particular that might be quite adaptive would be a change in the aging process.  Now that people can live so much longer than was usual many thousands of years ago, it would be helpful if our bodies didn't deteriorate quite so quickly.  After all, if a person lives to 120, then half of that time is spent as an elderly person.  If I had a vote on our evolutionary future, I'd probably vote for a slowing of decrepitude!

  6. Evolution of the mind....We are experiencing severe growing pains.

  7. I think it will be tied to brain use. I have heard that future generations will use more of their brain i guess we only use like 5 or 6 percent of our brain.

  8. Yes new class of humans are emerging-those who have everything including tech and perhaps more intellect.  And the general masses.  These two classes of humans will seperate more over the generations.    

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