
Ever thought you had deserved the Best Answer?

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Have you ever thought. Yes this is my specialty (In my case 20 years and a MSc in mental health practice) only to find out the real best answer was Lol.

Is it me? If it is I'll go quietly.




  1. I noticed that also, It's probably due to the age of the person asking the question and the frame of mind  there're in perhaps they were looking for a funny answer versus an educative one. Oh well it's their


  2. Stay...but don't take yourself that seriously!

  3. lol. oh the irony.

  4. I have a B.A jt Hons in History & International Relations and a postgrad in law and the amount of times I have given an answer which I know is far more intellectual and insightful and actually answers the question only for a really ridiculous answer to get the 10 points is silly. It comes to a point where you stop trying.

  5. No - I just take whatever crumbs are thrown my way.

    (GAWD, that sounds pathetic!)

  6. All the time.  Probably because I am fairly convinced that I am brilliant and can't imagine why others might not see it every single time.

  7. That's nothing.  On Television I was dismayed to see one contributor chose 'What's your favourite TV programme?' as Friends! Does noone watch anything else?

  8. I find some of the "best answers" are what the person wants to hear, not really what the correct one is.  Or whomever picks the best answer when the asker forgets has to get some knocks too.  A question was asked, What are some good funk songs?  One person named, "Play that funky music white boy."  and got best answer.  I named not only that song but a whole list of funk songs by some of the greats by James Brown and George Clinton.  

    Oh well.  

  9. You were robbed!  

  10. Everytime I feel jumped up and self-important will you guys quit encouraging me?

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