
Ever traveled with ur FERRET? We're camping at a nice resort, in a cabin. Any advice??

by  |  earlier

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Rather than leave her home, since she is used to constant interraction, I was thinking I'd bring her along. Is this ridiculous?




  1. Not ridiculous at all. The main things to be careful about would be that she remains cool and well hydrated during transit. I don't know how far it is to the resort, but be careful the car doesn't get too hot at any time, if you are stopping for a while along the way, get her out of there too, she could overheat quite quickly left in it when it's not running.

    Also, because water in a drinking bottle leaks out quite quickly while driving, you can't really leave one with her, as her travelling carrier would get soaked, so the only realistic option to allow water while travelling is a amll bit in the bottom of a coop cup. So if you're going more than a couple hours at a time, you need to stop and offer her water, and top up the bit in the cup.

    Also you need to make sure you keep her secure all the time you're away - am guessing you would bring along her normal cage and just let her play with you loose in the cabin while you're there? You also need to make sure any staff who may go into your cabin are aware of her, and the fact she must be left secure.

    Provided you take good care of all these points, bringing her along is a great idea, wishing all of you a wonderful holiday!

  2. no it isnt when i went camping i left my ferret at home, it was a big mistake, i worried about her and missed her a regreted not taking her, she would have had fun.

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