
Ever tried cooked dog?

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I once visited a far eastern nation,and they were serving Cooked Dogs,at first I was shocked,but being with a native friend I tried a bit but my mind could'nt accept that it was a dog that I was chewing.

Do you think this is normal for people in that country?

What's your view?




  1. It is normal for people in many countries to eat dog.  I don't have a problem with it.

    I do have a problem with the way the dogs are treated before being killed in some of these countries, but then I have a problem with the way we treat our factory-farmed livestock here and I still eat meat.

  2. OMG!!!  That's cruel!!! And disgusting....

    Why would someone actually EAT a dog! The poor thing! Even if it was already dead, they shouldn't cook it and eat it. It's terrible! It may be normal for people in that country, but it's not normal for YOU to eat it!!!

    No I have never tried cooked dog and I'm not about try it!


    i have a dog, and thats CRUEL!

    i would never, EVER eat a dog :(

  4. thats nothing as they also eat cats, pigs, cows, horses, bulls, sheep, , sparrows, and even snake, and rat, chicken, even worms are very good for you, and insects, over there in that country its all nice to eat in curry, plus the list is endless if its meat they will eat it.

    Now western people will protest, but they are also guilty of the same and even worse and they have horse racing and fox hunting shall i go on,,,,,,,but of cos its ok for them as they are the good guys and civilised and have colour TV and coca cola,,,,,cofffff,,,,

    fancy puppy and mash with pila rice and a pompodom

  5. were you in veitnam?i personally think eating any animal is wrong

  6. Whats in hot dogs? <my bad just kidding.

    Eating dogs is just GROSS and DISCUSSING.  

  7. I think it is cruel to eat any animal, I guess if a kid has a rabbit you probably won't get it wanting to eat one, But lots of people eat them. Different way of life for different people,  i guess

  8. sicksicksick

  9. It's a cultural thing and personal choice. I would never do it. I would not eat a highly intelligent animal such as dog, cat, horse.  

  10. Its all in what your used to eating. People in calcutta can't believe we eat cows
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