
Ever tried soliciting funds for the philippine national red cross?

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and experienced how hard it is to sell even a 10 peso ticket from people or relatives you meet everyday?

surprisingly,some of them, and not even relatives would take a booklet, but some of them, those you considered friends and close relatives would not even want to share their 10 pesos considering the facts that this is not for personal gain and no commission is acquired. I am thankful somehow that some people i meet like a sidecar driver and a taho vendor helped me sell a booklet each.

I then wonder why would other people would be so mean for just a single ticket ? If life is really that hard, why would ordinary workers able to give 20-50 pesos for the cause of the red cross?




  1. You can't really blame people especially in the Philippines if they hesitate to  buy solicitation tickets.  A lot of people are soliciting  funds for all types of reasons. While I was in Manila, almost everyday, people are  knocking on your doorstep to solicit  money for  the  blind, for the  street children, or their house  got burned a  few days ago, for sick children,  cancer patients, etc.  They come  with  very suspicious looking documents  to prove their organizations are  existing and legal. We don't really know if it's  real or  a drug/criminal syndicate or people who are con artist. While it may be true that,   that organization  is existing but is the person soliciting funds can be trusted?  I'm not talking about you  particularly , but this is generally  what is  going on, in the minds of people. It's hard to trust people especially in times of financial crisis.

    I think the best way to help is to send directly to the main office of the red cross or  other  NGOs'.

    BTW, I  had  donated blood (for free) twice to the Red Cross.

  2. I've never tried. But I guess some people are just hesitant to give not just because they're stingy or they just can't give away their hard earned P20, but because they don't trust the person soliciting the money, especially if it's a stranger. Or they're not just buying the red cross gimmick. You really can't blame them.

    I feel for the people who ask for a little help at the MRT stations. I always give a little because it makes me happy.

  3. Welcome to Life-101, Pharoh....  the way of the world, people are narcissistic by nature....there are very few benevolent Mother Teresa's.  God Bless you for what you are doing!  Mary

    (we send clothes over there through our church that our boys have outgrown)

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