
Ever use the Snoogle Pillow when pregnant?

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I can buy one right now from someone for $20 but I'm just wondering if I'll actually use it or if it's comfy. I love putting a pillow between my legs so I think I'll like it.




  1. I was the same way.  I never used it the way that they say to, but it was the perfect way to have something between your legs that didn't bother my husband.  I used it every night until delivery!

  2. I would get it!  any pillow while your pregnant is worth getting.  I think i had 10 dif ones on my bed and i used every one of them surrounding my body.  I would get it, i just wish i had heard of it while i was pregnant.  

  3. It was the most wonderful thing in the world... I would trade my hubby for my Snooglie!  It was just... PERFECT!  It curls around your back and keeps it warm so that you don't get back pains, and between your legs so your hips don't hurt, and then under your shoulder so you don't get an achey neck.  That was my favorite position.  And unlike a pillow between the legs, it doesn't move.  You may still want a pillow between your ankles and one under your belly as it gets larger, but oh, Snooglie was my love during pregnancy.  And it's made of a lightweight material so you don't get too warm.

    The only complaint I have is the covers for the pillow.  They were a BEAR to get on and off.  They could have made it better.  I remember I felt like I was trying to stuff a snake into a sock... o_O  Real pain in the neck.  But, that's what hubby's are for right?

    The only other issue was that it became a third person in our bed.  Hubby couldn't snuggle up to me at night unless we put Snooglie to the side.  Though... sometimes it helped with snuggling up activities if you get my drift.  Othertimes we had to put it on a dresser or aside.  When VERY pregnant, make sure you don't get on Snooglie's wrong side.  I found myself turtled once with it and had to yell for help.  This only happened once, and I don't blame the Snooglie.  I blame the huge belly at that point.  Turtling was too easy of an activity, and Snooglie was just caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.  But I simply couldn't roll over it, and there were pillows on the other side of me, so I was completely stuck.  So watch out for the Snooglie trap.

    And I DID use it after birth.  My baby cuddled on it next to me, but I found it most helpful as a sort of nest for her.  Still, it didn't last much longer after pregnancy.

    I did find that by the end of my pregnancy, Snooglie had some flat spots.  These made it more comfortable for me, but I may have to get a new one for the next pregnancy.

    Still, it's safely packed away for the next pregnancy.  I wouldn't trade my Snooglie for all the pillows in the world.  Oh, save the package it comes in.  It's so much better to put it back in afterwards and put it away than to smush it.  

    We paid $49 for mine, and I must say it was worth every penny.  I used it every time I laid down, and sometimes when I was sitting too.  When I was sick, it was my friend and I could cuddle against it without those annoying bones and muscles that hubbys' have.  And it was always cool on those days.  

    (In case you're wondering, most of the women I know named their Snoogles.  One woman named her's Fred.  I named my Snooglie... guess I'm not as creative.)

  4. i liked it to lounge on the couch with, but hated it in bed. it took up way too much room and made turning over to my other side even MORE complicated.  $20 is a good deal, so i say get it.  

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