
Ever used to buy clove cigarettes?

by Guest380  |  earlier

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I wanted to buy some cigarettes through, but I'm not sure about the security and guarantee of the shipments.

Does anyone have any experience with this website, good or bad? If not, have you used any other websites to buy clove cigarettes, or any kind of cigarettes? I'm looking for some reviews, basically. Thank you!




  1. hey guest3600 shut the f**k up.  how is that in any way an answer to the question? stick to the topic, and let consenting adults figure out their own life, just because you probably smoked 2 packs a day of unfiltered lucky strikes does not mean that is the par for everyone. to answer your question yes i have used their site, there is no guarantee, and i think that it kinda boils down to the state (in FL. it's about a week till they arrive)-i hear that there are problems with Hawaii and their out of state laws. hope this helps for a silly, and biased law.

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