
Ever walked in on your parents having s*x? What did they say to you?

by Guest56664  |  earlier

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I just heard my parents doing it about half an hour ago... & I'm curious to know how other people react to this kind of stuff.




  1. no but i was lying in bed when i was about 15 and heard my mum and her husband going at it yuk lol i never confronted them on it lol

  2. eww. yea. a couple times i saw them. it was nastee as fucckk. idk i they saw me tho.

  3. ya it was soooo gross i went to their room to go ask wat time we were leaving for the party and they were doing it... they yelled at me in spanish and i just closed the door and walked away tramuatized!!! i was 12 ewwwwww

  4. My parents enforced "nap time" on some weekends. I had to go hangout in my room or take a nap and they would disappear for a few hours. Knowing my parents they probably did nap maybe half the time. But the rest, I'm fairly sure I was sitting there trying to find a book to read while they were up to something more interesting. I was about 10 when naptime no longer worked as an excuse.

    Once when I was 16 or so, I made some throw pillows for my room. Some were furry, some were rainbow, whatever. So two years later I come home from being out with friends to pick something up before we go back out, and there are my parents eating "s**y" snacks on the living room floor, WITH MY PILLOWS.

    Fortunately I was old enough to get away with saying "I assume those are gonna be clean before they go back in my room?" as I was headed back out the door with my stuff. I was glad, however, that my friends had stayed in the car for the event.

  5. my friend did it was like 1month ago and her mom left the room after she walk in and her dad was like hop on the bed ill show you what we were doing and he like you know did it with her she oddly was ok with it but it freaked me out

  6. No, I haven't, my sister walked in on me once, she was about 8, and just stared at me like "what the h**l!" all I could think to say was "get out". I have walked in on them in the bath together once. Never heard them either. hm.

  7. yes I was 7 and I never talked about that day ever again...uhh

  8. omg when i heard my parents doing it i was so freak out, i was like 17 (i think). after my mum just laughed at me and told me to grow up lol.

  9. yes and they denied it

  10. I have never really walked in on them ,but my brother and I hid a tape recorder under there bed ,he was 11 and i was 10 he had gotten it for Christmas the day before .anyway we played this tape at a big family dinner the next day with all the relatives there .it was very funny at the time ,although we both got our butts kicked good .lol

  11. I must have been around 9 or 10yrs old and it was around mid-day my younger brother was not listening to me and running about the place and my parents told us to stay in the living room my brother walked in on them giving head and he screamed because he had never seen such a thing before! I came quickly into the room and it was all very awkward. Gross eh?

  12. Nope, they are divorced, and before then, they hadn't had s*x since they conceived me. =)

    Although, I HAVE heard my sister, my friends mom, and my other friends mom having s*x with their partners. =P

  13. Nope, but if I didn't I'd HATE it and I'd kill myself afterwards.

  14. Yes when I was little I walked in and said


    Then I left

  15. Yes.

    It wasn't until several years later that I realised what they were doing.

    No explanation was given, other than the yelled instruction from my father, to 'GET OUT'!

  16. In one instance, I think I was about six. I had to "go potty" (lol) and the bathroom was right by my parent's bedroom. Their door was wide open like I wasn't even in the house! And believe it or not, my mom gets pissed at me for coming out of the room as if I should have just 'wetted' the bed and not do what they told me to.

    Instance #2: This time they weren't having s*x but, one time my mom fell asleep downstairs, and I went to wake her up so she can go to her room. She was half asleep and asked me if I wanted to play Superman! I was like "huh" in a disgusted tone, then she woke up completely, and whispered to herself, 'Oh my God, if your father heard me say that..."(She's a bad whisperer LOL).

    Instance #3: Again, they weren't having s*x, but one time my father was on the internet looking up "positions" and I caught it out the corner of my eye right before he closed the page. His exact words were "That's not what I was looking at!". Yeah okay, I'm going to believe that! And this was just last year........I was 15. Come on now!

    I know I just put my parents on blast, but they deserved it!

  17. I've never walk in on my parents but we have all heard my mum and her boyfriend, the walls were paper thin and its something we all just pretend doesn't and hasn't happened.

  18. they r sooooooooo quiet and well i just forgot to knock and i gt disgusted adn angry and my ma said u knw parents have s*x too

  19. Yeah.

    My Mum was naked on the bed and the covers were on the floor and my dad jumped up (from whatever he was doing) and was like "quick, get out, get back into bed, quick quick, comeon, you're tired!! I was about 10 then and I was just thinking "how do you know if I'M tired or not?". Lol it was in the middle of the night - with the door wide open!

    Nothing was said afterwards.


  20. I'm not going to get into my experiences with that...but one of my ex boyfriends hid under his parents bed with his little sister when his parents were going at it and just listened.  They watched a little and called it "the cricket".  Haha wrong on so many levels....

  21. They told me they were exercising and they had to be alone. I was only 7 at the time so I believed them.

  22. Its pretty weird right? i went through a phase where I was so upset because of it.....

    it natural though.... everybody has to deal with it

  23. hahah yeah it was just 20 mins ago i just walked out lol

  24. Thank god i have never had that experience. And i hope i neevr will have to go through it!

  25. Sure have!

    What did they say when they saw me? Well, let's see here...

    "Oh hello? Have we met? Please don't let the door hit you in the face on the way out!"

    And they resumed their wild lovemaking once I left.

    That was the first and last time I ever walked into my folks' bedroom without knocking.

  26. It was worse then my parents doing it, it was my mum and step dad and i am 13 and i knew straight away what they were doing.

    i have heard it 3 times now.

    the 1st i turned a blind eye and listen to my iPod in the middle of the night.

    But the 2nd time i knocked on their bedroom door.

    The third tim ei got out of bed and turned the hall light on and made a Big fuss and noise when going to the loo!!!!!!!

  27. Its possible I did when I was really little,but something tells me I blocked it out.

  28. I have but the best was when my youngest sister did. she saw them but had no clue what was going on so she started screaming and running up the stairs and then theres my mom chasing her with a blanket wrapped around her.

  29. yeah i was like 4 and my dad was just like go away and i did i waas like half asleep though they shouldn't have left the door open that was gross.

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