
Ever watch Nanny 911? What makes parents so insane as to let their children act like that?!?

by Guest32554  |  earlier

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I know we've all been there-- the aisle at Walmart where there is a screaming 3 year old in the basket and when he won't stop crying, Mom bribes him to stop with a toy. Yes, that's it, enforce bad behavior! *rolls eyes* But I was watching Nanny 911 tonight for the first time and those kids were little demons! They cry over the most stupid things, cuss out their parents, hit everyone, tell their parents/siblings they hate them, etc. And the mom was like, "I feel like I'm abusing them if I tell them no or if I let them cry it out!" (Her kids were 5 & 3 by the way). She slept in the 5 year old's bed every night and hadn't slept with her husband in 4 years.

What would make someone give in to their child's every whining desire and let the kids rule the house? And why do some people feel so bad about disciplining? I mean, I'm all for spanking if the situation calls for it, but there are other methods people can use for discipline too, yet they don't and wonder why their kids are monsters.




  1. I totally agree. I think they are too lazy to try and keep them from acting that way so they give in a let them have what they want and when they want it.

  2. Because they are crappy parents! Theres no other way to say it. They haven't the slightest idea what they are doing, or how to raise kids. So they let the kids raise themselves. It's nuts, if my kids even tried acting like that....they'd be in a world of Sh*t with me and my husband!

  3. All the parents on supernanny are bad parents, or just plain lazy. There is not excuse for things to get this out of control. I do not know why parents will not set rules early, and make consequences for breaking them, and stick with it. Spanking is good, but there are also other forms of discipline. They need to do something, anything is better than nothing. Children on Supernanny have never had any boundaries set for them

  4. Well i think it's hard for them to see from tha inside, kinda like an abusive relationship. They're probably so focused on not being a MEAN parent, not realizing that their kids' will love AND respect them more with discipline... Also, u have to keep in mind that those shows are edited. They make u see what they want u 2. I love that show though, i always watch it.

    And yea, my son would not even dare...

  5. I know what you mean I was actually watching the same episode today that daughter was horrible wasn't she. my daughter was actually watching it with me and she kept saying "mama they bad babies" and I was shocked because I expected her to not understand she kept yelling at the TV "go to time out bad girl" I think it's ridiculous I can understand when some of the family's are out number by like 6 kids and only 2 parents but you can't be afraid of disicipline because the older the kids get without discipline the worse they will get. I'm like you I agree with all forms of discipline spanking if the situations calls for it and other forms of discipline like timeout and such. I see it at the store and at restaurants all the time and I'm embarssed for the parents because the kids are winning.espically when they give in. and I feel even more embarssed for the people on the show at least they where brave enough to admit they need help.

  6. WELL

    have you ever saw the commercial on TLC

    the woman who says


    yeah right like saying that is going to magically make a child happy and tantrum free LMAO...

    Kids act as kids...

    no harm no foul to me...

    i come from a big family- LOTSA WILD BOYS!!!

    but- when the parents say no the 3rd time they usually know theyre in trouble... lol

  7. Being liked by their kids has become more important than raising them right. People have gotten wimpy. Now, I'm an attachment parent so I'm not saying you need to bully your kids or be mean. But to be that much of a wimp is truly pathetic. I saw the episode you speak of and I really believe that woman was using her kid to avoid intimacy with her husband as well. The theme of most of those shows are parents who let their kids control them.

  8. No I do not waste my time watching that crappy show. The show itself is so fake and it's so easy too tell that it's all staged.

  9. I think most of the people on that show are just in over their heads and simply don't have a clue how to fix things or what to do with the kids. It's sad, really.

  10. I can't even sit through that show. It makes my stomach turn. I keep thinking that one day those kids are going to be grown- with my kids- and mine are going to have to deal with them in the work force. That's what is really scary. It's a shame.

  11. I hear you, I don't get it either. Who's in charge? Obviously not the adults.

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