I know we've all been there-- the aisle at Walmart where there is a screaming 3 year old in the basket and when he won't stop crying, Mom bribes him to stop with a toy. Yes, that's it, enforce bad behavior! *rolls eyes* But I was watching Nanny 911 tonight for the first time and those kids were little demons! They cry over the most stupid things, cuss out their parents, hit everyone, tell their parents/siblings they hate them, etc. And the mom was like, "I feel like I'm abusing them if I tell them no or if I let them cry it out!" (Her kids were 5 & 3 by the way). She slept in the 5 year old's bed every night and hadn't slept with her husband in 4 years.
What would make someone give in to their child's every whining desire and let the kids rule the house? And why do some people feel so bad about disciplining? I mean, I'm all for spanking if the situation calls for it, but there are other methods people can use for discipline too, yet they don't and wonder why their kids are monsters.