
Ever watch the Discovry Channel's, A HAUNTING??

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I love that show!




  1. yup.

  2. We watch it a lot. I think it's one of the best "almost true" ghost stories on to Medium. And I imagine Medium already ran out of the true stories. I realize that they take liberties with A Haunting...but if even part of it is true...then........

  3. yup, every day @ 2

  4. Ya, it's good but not that real, very Hollywood spook show style.  They get a little over the top some times,  but I like a good scary show and I think it's is right in there with classics like The  Twilight Zone and X Files.  Real good for a ghost story show!

  5. Yeah, some of those are pretty freaky. And if they are completely true, they should have the Ghost Hunters (TAPS) check it out!

  6. I love the show too, great stories.

    As for reality, I have yet to see a convincing episode.

    Remember, all the episodes are from memories and hearsay of events that happened years before the show was filmed. The scenes are recreated and obviously heavily embellished to make them more exciting.

    When I watch it, I end up mentally stripping away the possiblity of ghosts or demons, and what I come up with is perfectly logical explanations of everything that happens in the show.

    Most of the stories are just stories about families going through hard times with the ghost part thrown on top of it. Possibly its a way people cope with thier problems, like a scape goat or something. "We can't communicate right, so lets blame the ghosts for trying to break us up."

    personally, I find this makes it more fun to watch to figure out what is really happening.

  7. I did. I find it quite interesting and educational. I really feel for those people since I have suffered through living in a haunted place myself so I can identify.

    I hope that those unfortunates watching the show will learn what is to be learned and the many types of help which are useless in such situations and merely prolong the problem.

    There is definately at least some dramatisation and editorial cutting to give stories a twist. You have to have something to show since most effects are more about feeling and thinking in a weird way, which will just convince the viewers the poor people are suffering mental problems.

    Although it is meant to be entertainment rather than educational one can learn much from studying the places and the people involved if one is sensitive.

    What I think is great is that they show what is important, how it makes people feel rather than EVP, photo's and such nonsense which does not help the person directly except to reaffirm their faith in their own sanity.

  8. It was good I watched a few of the shows and they sorta dew me in. This one episode creep me out though when the demon's name was Seth and that happens to be my fiancee's name.

  9. Not yet but thanks for telling me.  When we went ot St Francisville and stayed in the hotel that Jon Lefitt (msp and I think that's the pirate) they said he haunted it.  Didn't bother me or my girl, but did throw a car at my friends girlfriend.  He may have figured her out because when we went to bars she would get drunk and throw ice at the biggest guys in there and start trouble for us.  It was fun, but got old after a few police reports.  But the ghost did throw a chair at her as my friend was scared of her.  We where not as her demon was afraid of us.  take care.  I have more real stories also. If you want to see something scary watch the debates, naw just kidding.

  10. yes I have seen it and it is a show based on eyewitness accounts. But the disclaimer is that they have taken dramatic freedoms with the storylines to make it more compelling and entertaining. So you can discount about half the story as fluff and fill.

  11. That show is just s drama with a supernatural plotline.  Since it's in a "based on a true story" format they can essentially create the story almost from whole cloth.  I would rather watch the Twilight Zone.

  12. I hate that show. It's so fake. They take liberties and add to the dramatization, blow stuff way out of proportion. Stuff like what happens on that show just does happen the way they say it does. I couldn't prove it to save my life, but I get a very strong "NO" from my guides, that that show is a huge phoney. Still interesting though, I suppose.

  13. Yes, I have watched it. They do embellish some for entertainment purposes (such is the TV industry).

    However, since it is based on eye witness testimony it does raise interesting questions about what people might have seen/experienced.

    Whatever they experience (like all human experience) is worth studying in order to advance science and knowledge.

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