
Ever wonder why there has been no terror attack on US since 9/11

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Now you don't suppose the 9/11 attack was a staged event by Bush/Cheney, do you? One thing I am sure of.... our crack Homeland Security Dept had no part in keeping attacks away.

If Al Qaeda or Ben Laden was capable of one attack, why did they stop there?




  1. Many people believe it was bush that planed the attack. It is suspicious why they stopped. Who knows they might be planing something big.      

  2. Maybe its becuase the lastest terror attack was on London.

    You know , the Train and Bus bombings.

  3. Totally unpredictable, they couldn't see coming until it happened and likewise in the future

  4. I agree with Heather

  5. Only people on drugs, leftist liberal extremists, PETA, ActUp, Code Pink, Falun Gong, democrats and hippies think that September 11, 2001 was a setup and staged event by the CIA or US Government.  The groups above are anti-American and embrace AlQaeda, illegal immigrants from all nations as well as support enemies of the United States.  That's why they protest against China and support 3rd world countries that want to kill Americans every chance they can get.

    Those who think 9/11 was a setup also dont care about all of the innocent victims killed on that day by friends of US liberals, AlQaeda.....  That's the truth, and those who believe so, should be banished from the United States for supporting our enemies.

  6. They didn't stop trying, but with the tightened security and greater vigilance by the US population they haven't been able to pull anything off.  In addition Al Qaeda came under attack very soon after the 9/11 terrorist strike on America and was immediately on the retreat and unable to act.  Since then they've steadilly been losing ground and losing men.  They tried to influence events in Iraq, but were soundly defeated.  They've been trying to recruit more people, but they lose many to US airstrikes across the p**i border and to failed attempts to hit NATO forces in Afghanistan.

  7. We have not had any more 9-11's because Bush is protecting us.  It doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize this.  These inside job theories are all part of this culture of liberal hatred that makes about as much sense as the whacked out Bush hatings you hear all the time.  Frankly, it's getting a little boring because these people never have anything new to talk about!  For now, we are safe, people!!!  You wont be so sure of that if a Democrat gets in power.  

  8. If individuals, foreign or domestic, wanted to do harm to this country, there are multitudes of methods they could pursue.  Why bother when we are already setting our own stage for a 3rd world conversion?  

  9. thank God!but i think that something happened that their not releasing to the public.also they know that their are consequence.

  10. It saddens and amazes me that in spite of all the factual proof that 9/11 was not an "inside job" and that yes, the planes did in fact cause all that devestation, there are people clinging to theories that are so far out there that most Bush haters roll their eyes at the meer mention of them...

    It's called, we have "warrantless wiretapping", we use "torture" (ie, methods of persuasion that cause brief fear or discomfort) to gain intelligence, and we took the fight to them, killing tens of thousands of the next terrorists and scattering these evil b******s across the middle east...

    Can we just stop with trying to overcomplicate an issue that is very simple. Yes, you are allowed to hate the evil war mongering Bush/Cheney machine all you want, but be rational at the same time, please.

  11. Sooner or later a terrorist will always get through no matter what your precautions are. I also ask the same question  

  12. Bin Laden and his followers are nothing but a bunch of cowards that got way too comfortable attacking anyone they didn't like and not getting attacked back.  Once we attacked Afghanistan, they knew we mean business and, even worse, when we attacked Iraq and deposed Saddam Hussein and his herd of criminals.  Now Bin Laden and his associates know we cannot care less about what the world opinion in regard to defend ourselves .  They are getting what the deserve and I hope it's not over yet.

  13. I think 9/11 was an inside job, courtesy of the CIA and the Israeli Mossad.

    The USA and Israel want to take over the Middle East as their personal empire in order to control the huge oil supplies that have yet to be tapped.

    Afghanistan was NEVER about Osama Bin Laden, why would 20 members of the Bin Laden family be allowed to the leave the country right after the attacks?

    The real reason for Afghanistan, oil and gas pipelines and control of the very lucrative opium crops:

  14. This is insanity...pure and simple.  First of all, the Homeland Security Dept. was not formed until AFTER 9/11.  Secondly, the war has kept the terrorists occupied overseas. Thirdly, We are doing much more now to protect the citizens here and avoid another 9/11. These terrorists have tried to damage us a number of times since 9/11 and have been caught ...we have been very lucky so far. Keep up the negativity about our country, it makes things a whole lot better !!! We are being destroyed from within by this nonsense.

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