Yet six days a week, we receive junk mail which must be disposed of & is not readily recyclable! In addition, almost every newspaper we buy contains "sales" ads. Many of these multipage ads are printed on slick, magazine-like paper, so the paper cannot readily be recycled like newsprint & ends up in landfills! Who else finds it difficult to take the conservation of paper & wood seriously when we are innundated with these slick, glossy, multipage "sales" ads at least *every* week (I only subscribe to weekend newspaper editions)? In addition, every magazine received contains *multiple* subscription cards & other cards to send for something! Weekly, most households where I live receive "The Bag", which contains mostly classified ads, grocery & other ads. Forty years ago, all of the many discount & major dept, auto parts, lumber, appliance, electric supply firms, hardware & plumbing suppliers, etc., put out ads only when they were having *real* sales! Aren't weekly grocery ads enough?