
Every day agriculture activity ie. sowing,giving fertiliser,watering taking production every day.?

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Present conventional method is sowing and after certain period taking out put then again sowing.By this method for certain period land remains vecant open to hot sun.Hence method is to be developed so that agri land will remain covered 365 days in a year.Sowing is to be arranged in such a way that as soon as one crop is taken out its position will be taken by another adjusant crop.Has any one done this type of farming.Please enlighten me.




  1. It does not always work out quite like that, though a farmer will wish to turn over land fast as possible. In the northern hemisphere, the farther north one goes, winter periods mean that fields are not in use, especially in cold and snow and with annual crops. Perennial crops that come back year after year, especially tree crops, need the dormant cold periods between warm production seasons. Many of these crops, especially the cold period trees that require the dormancy (and similar crops) can't be grown in the warm south. They have their own zoned crops the north can't grow, many similar. As you move into the southern hemisphere you find seasons more in the wet and dry instead of hot and cold and they have their own crops that are dependent of weather and when the rainy season comes. Further south of that where the cold begins again or where altitude leaves cold periods they too have some different crops, though some being similar of the same as northern extremes, but there is a lot of cultural foods that can be different. And speaking of cultures, cultural foods in regions and dependent on their own weather patterns play a huge role in what is farmed. the short answer to your question is that most crops do not grow back to back because of weather/ climate issues, temperature changes or rainfall patterns being the deciding factor. Some equatorial crops can be cropped on a continuous rotation cycle but they are not as numerous. Some crops can be replace by others and then back again as long as the extremes of the climate are not to diverse.

  2. read this

  3. Their is a system of agriculture called permaculture (A perennial agriculture system for human settlement ) which uses the principles of sustainability, combined with companion planting and organics.

    Water is utilised to it maximum. In the design of a property the water is, as much as possible, contained with in.

    If you would like more information put - Permaculture David Holmgren - he is situated in Central Victoria Hepburn Springs Australia;

    and you can see and learn more.

  4. Sharad, Yes, this type of agriculture is very common in the area that I live in. The main two crops grown here are corn and soybeans. A crop rotation system of corn, winter wheat, and soybeans the following year followed by winter wheat again. The wheat can be grown out to harvest following corn and then soybeans planted in the wheat stubble. Some farmers won't grow the wheat to maturity but turn the wheat under as a green manure crop, some will plant the beans into the still growing wheat and then when the beans are growing the wheat will be killed by Roundup. The wheat in this case is called a cover crop. Either way the crop is planted the same day they harvest the first crop, so there is a crop growing all year. This is the normal or conventional way of agriculture here now, not leaving the soil be bare at any time. Conservation tillage or no tillage is also used to plant the new crop directly into the crop residue of the previous crop. this also protects the soil from the sun or more importantly from water erosion.

  5. Inter cropping is done in some crops. The seeds of all the crops do not germinate in all the seasons. The requirement of light conditions (photo period), climate,  water etc are different fro different  crops. One can design the best model based on the data of the geographical position of the land. Besides it is believed that some rest should be given to the land to make it fertile.

  6. Crop rotation, Intercropping etc to be mingled. In a Cassava field we can grow groundnut for 1st 3 months and then daincha may be sown. When ground nut is harvested we can harvest seeds of daincha also. Red gram may also be intercropped.

  7. to keep the land with crop in all 365 day ,its best to practise agrisilvi system of cultivation or we can practise relay cropping ie sowing black gram before the harvesting of paddy

  8. For many years Western Canadian farmers (Alberta Saskatchewan  at least) would plant a crop every second year if there was drought. The off year they were doing enough tillage to prevent capillary loss of water, and eliminate weeds and insects.

    That was not a great strategy. but even today many will fail to plant in spring if they do not have at least 10 cm of water stored in the soil by late may.

    We need water as well as land.

  9. I am happy that u are interested in agriculture. Yes.. it is possible in agriculture. So many are doing this now a days but the problem is here lack of water. They are not able to maintain the crop in summer hot days. I dont know where u r from but in some areas it is difficult to do such type of agri in summer. but still it is a good idea to keep it cool...

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