
Every day my boyfriend has a whole bunch of fleas on him and i don't have any on me, why?

by Guest66406  |  earlier

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Every day my boyfriend has a whole bunch of fleas on him and i don't have any on me, why?




  1. oh snap. maybe he sleeps with the dogs...

    here's an old saying that dosent make sense but its funny

    """"if you lie down with dogs, you will catch fleas"""""

    i donteven remember who said it but it goes with ths answer.

  2. Is this some joke or is your boyfriend really Chewbacca?

  3. It may be the places he walks. I always thought pets carry them into the house but I noticed one time after waking into the house that I had some on my leg and I was the one bringing them in! That and my cat was in indoor cat all her life.

  4. Time to stop dating animals.

  5. Fleas like mosquitos are just attracted to some more than others.

    Girls wear more perfumes, lotions and potions so Im guessing thats why they like your boyfriend more. He smells worse!!! And they arnt repelled by the scents.

    My friend has the same prob. Her boyfriend gets eaten alive and she doesnt, and they share the same bed!

    Just a guess!

  6. maybe try spray repelant on him

  7. You lay down with dogs you get up with fleas.

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