
Every day when I log on I see Obama positive, McCain negative. Why does Yahoo do this?. McCain is a patriot!!!

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone know the party affiliation of the yahoo exec"s in charge of this site?, it seems pretty clear they are using it as a vehicle to advance there own views and agendas.




  1. yahoo people are all liberal commies like any other media except fox and talk radio.

  2. I wish you would tell us where you see that, I haven't seen anything like that. Is it only in Current Events. I agree with you, we certainly don't need a Muslim in the presidential office. He despises us, him and his B**** wife

  3. It seems like most of the media is doing this . I feel like they should give equal time and let  us make the decision.

  4. It is absolutely a vehicle to advance their political liberal agenda. Notice how conservative answers and questions are often deleted and no reason stated for a violation. They will forward their rules to you without stating a reason. McCain is a patriot and the next President and I'm sure that is worrying the libs including Yahoo.  If there was another site similar to this elsewhere you wouldn't see me here again.

  5. You are wrong on so many levels, I don't even know where to start.

  6. Don't let it get to you. Both candidates are without a doubt, patriotic. Patriotism is not the problem that this country faces, but have you noticed the value of the Dollar?

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