
Every friday night my husband goes out and doesn't tell me where he's gone until the next day.?

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Every friday night my husband goes out and doesn't tell me where he's gone until the next day.?




  1. Ok, it's easy for all these people to say "He's Cheating", we don't know the whole story. Anytime my husband goes out withour me, I ask him who he is with, where he will be, and to call me throughout the night to check in. He always does, even if we are arguing because he knows that alot of wifes would not let their husbands go out without them. If he doesn't want to do that that you need to take further action. Good Luck!

  2. Just tell him not to bring home anything you can't kill.

  3. start packing. either your stuff or his..if you pack your stuff he won't know where u stay

  4. Time to change the locks! When you say "every Friday night" that sounds like its been going on for a while. It's time to confront him and get things changed or move on. He's taking advantage of your "generosity!"

  5. the same question was asked a few days back

  6. Dont worry. Next time you should go on Thursday anywhere without tel him.


  7. well i dont konw honestly like i think he mite be cheating on you you never no ..... go on dr.phil or just have him take a lie-detector test...

  8. You don't actually say he's out all night nor do you tell us where he says he's gone the next day.  But if he does stay out all night every single week, I'd have the locks changed before he got home from his next outing!  

  9. And you tolerate this? Jeez if I leave to get a haircut I always tell my wife what location I am going to and that I have my cell phone on. Not only does this give your man cover to be up to no good, it is selfish. I would kick his butt.

  10. I would suggest next Friday the locks get changed while he is out. His stuff could also be sitting on the porch or you could save that for the following Friday if he doesn't get the point after the lock changing.

  11. You know where he's going and what he's doing... you just need to accept it and take action!

  12. Sounds like he is cheating dump him

  13. And your putting up with this crappy treatment?, this guy needs to be taught a lesson.

  14. life is too short to put up with this........

    dump him.........before you have kids and

    all those responsibilities........

    what will you do when he goes out and you are home with his children?

    dump him.NOW

  15. Maybe he doesn't know where he's going until he's gone!

  16. you can't be serious. If you are, you better watch out, you're going to get a disease. dont be a fool

  17. HUNH?

  18. And?

  19. to be honest with you, i would do the same thing to my wife, after she dumped me i begged her and we got back together, and i never did it again, you should dump him, and that's a risk you got to take if he loves you he will come to you, and he will promise to change,  

  20. so, do exactly what he does

  21. Why do you put up with this? I know where my husband is going when he leave home and he knows where I am going.  

  22. You selected your husband so I guess, you are letting us know you made the wrong choice.  

  23. Do the same. Go out every Friday night and don't tell him where you haved gone until the next day. See how he likes that.

  24. then why are you married?

  25. If I were staying out all night doing God only knows what with whomever I pleased I wouldn't want to tell my wife either!

    You allow this to happen; make that change now.  

  26. So when he tells you where he's been, Tell him you want to go too.  If he says no, you've won round one.  Now call and ask if he was at the place he tells you.  If he says no, there is round number two.  Tell him he needs to let you know where he's at in case of an emergency.  He won't tell you?  That's round number three.  Pack his stuff , throw it outside and change the locks and you've won the match.  

    Or, another way to do this?  Have a friend of yours follow him and see just where he is going and ask him where he's been when he gets home.  If he lies, get rid of him.  He'll never tell you the truth.

  27. sounds like you dont trust him then, ask him where he is going and can you join him for the night he he says no -- the b*****d is cheating then so obvious to me  

  28. Move out, get a good lawyer, and get counseling.

  29. Old joke here that might help...think about it:

    Husband--"I'm going out and I'm not going to be back before midnight or even later, and don't be a snoop asking where I'm going!"

    Wife--"That's fine--but--you promise you won't be home >before< midnight???"  

  30. So.... what's the problem?

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