
Every had any paranormal experiences?

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anything strange or ghost like thing ever happened to you? maybe saw something heard something? anything i just wanna know!




  1. That is a strangely popular question in this section.

    Many people have had paranormal experiences.

    Most of the phenomenon's that I have had the chance to experience are predicting the future.

    i have had dreams where I wake up and something major is missing in my day and when I wake up, it's not there either.

    I've also had dreams that tell me the date of the next lunar or solar eclipse and they are correct.

    Even with Palmistry and Tarot Cards, many of my friends ask me to playfully read for them and I am usually dead on.

    It's a little odd.

  2. Like a lot of people, I've had numerous dreams about the future that came true. Check the link below to a YT video about dreaming the future.

  3. Yes I have.  That's why I've been a Paranormal Examiner for 28 years now.  I wanted Answers....just like anyone else that has an Experience.

  4. I am having one now.  Deja vu.  Like I have seen this question before.  But wise azz aside.  Yes I have.

  5. My Husband and I lived in a pre-war building in NYC about 10 years ago.  We were told by the landlady that the apartment we were moving into had a large turnover of tenants, people kept moving in and only living for a short period of time...she allowed them to have a month to month lease so that in the event that they wanted to move out they could.  We received the same type of lease, not a big deal and I didn't want her to think that it was.

    I thought she was a little off her rocker but I soon figured out why people didn't stay in that apartment very long. My husband and I both experienced paranormal activity in that apartment.   We would come home from work and the bathroom and kitchen faucets would be on and running full blast, my initial reaction was that we had a major plumbing problem.  

    What finally did it for me...I was up late watching tv in the living room and my cat was sitting next to me on the sofa..he suddenly jumped down and went into the hallway, his tail was fluffy and fat like he had received some type of electric shock..I got up and went into the hallway thinking he saw a mouse and was getting ready to corner it...what I saw has stayed with me to this day and I am a very practical person!!

    My cat was standing in front a hall table that I had flush against the wall, I actually saw both drawers open, first one and then the other as though someone was looking for something... I nearly passed out from the shock of it.

  6. I used to hear things when I was little...sounds like I'm crazy, but I'm not, haha.  I feel very awkward in some my grandma's house and my step-mom's bosses' house...which is apparently haunted.

    I also have dreams about things and then they happen.  I have de ja vou quite often sometimes too.  XD

  7. Yes..I have had paranormal experiences..mostly audible ones...things I KNEW weren't my own thoughts . They weren't just  random thoughts or voices.They made sense. I've also seen a few things.  You can go to my blog for more . You can also go to Resolved Questions and find more experiences.

  8. I have had lots of them myself.

    One interesting thing is that when you rashly share these experiences with someone else, you can tell right away that person doesn't have paranormal experiences himself because he unerringly asks all the wrong questions. They are never the key questions I would want answered if I was the one doing the asking. This is an interesting phenomenon in its own right.

    It occurred to me that, being a non-religious person myself, perhaps when I casually consider some religion or religious belief or other, and whether there might be anything to it, I am left in the dark simply because I too am asking all the wrong questions.

    You think it is all clear and straighforward, but stuff still looks different from the other side doesn't it?

  9. Listening to George Bush trying to pronounce "nuclear."

  10. No, nothing. But my best friend passed away this last Easter morning. She said she would make a sign of some kind. Probably during All My Children or when I'm watching Ghost Hunters. We would call each other 6 or 7 times during All My Children. She said she would try to ring the phone. I told her not to freak me out. We both laughed about her haunting me. So far... nothing. Miss her like crazy though. Still waiting .

  11. no I have never had a paranormal experience.

  12. Yes I have.  Sometimes it's really fascinating other times  it can be very scary. I have actually awakened to a women floating over me.  That was a bit frightening.  But I have had other things like door slamming and that's actually kind neat.

  13. Yes I've seen shadow people. And lots of shadow animals

  14. Yes.


  15. Well, It happened very early this morning. I was in bed and I woke up with a start. I looked around my room, not expecting to find anything. As I was looking down to the bottom of my bed (I sleep in a bunk-bed with my sister on top) I could see a figure, standing as though it was looking down at me. It must have been a child because it was small enough to be seen without its head being hidden behind the bars of my bunk bed where my sisters bed is. It looked as though it was wearing a parka, I could distinctively make out the fur around the hood of the figure, as though the hood was up. The figure was standing right at the end of my bed, with the parka zipped up, hood up, hands in the pockets. It was half-way opaque, but I could see the curtains through it. My sister said to tell it to leave me but Im too petrified to talk to it.

  16. Yes! I have sensed things before they happen, knew I was going to see someone I knew before hand, guessed the lottery number in a room full of people and they were all shocked- too bad I didn't play however! I have seen ghosts and heard my name called on several occassions when no one was around and have felt as if I was being watched or hair standing on end sometimes. I saw objects move once or twice for no reason. Saw things when I was a kid. - These experiences have made me afraid of the dark or to be alone to this day and I am 35 now! I have also seen UFO's  3- 5 times in my life. The other two I was not sure if UFO or plane or something.

  17. Yes.

  18. In 1972 I was a staunch skeptic and declared that people who saw ghosts were crazy, but then one appeared to me and told me to get out of his house. Turned out it was the ghost of the old man who had died there a few months before.


  19. I would have guessed I was not the person to have such experiences. I would need too much proof - for the same reason I spurn religions.

    In my case the Gods (if there be any) must have decided to teach me a lesson, or s***w with my mind. My paranormal experiences began suddenly. My opinion is that if something happens to convincingly break the spell of deep-rooted disbelief, punch a hole in the wall as it were, it is suddenly much easier for a variety of paranormal-type experiences to come flooding into your life. My own cases include prophetic dreams (hundreds of them, always of something which will occur the following day, nothing of earth-shattering, or life-saving importance yet), at least one clear apparition, 100% success on my first attempt at dowsing (I assume that is a paranormal experience too), synchronicity, and simply having stuff enter my head for no good reason that will transpire later in the day in some way or other (maybe an odd phrase which I will have running around my head and later see it word for word on the back of a van, to quote one simple instance). It is only when it happens to you personally, time after time, that the reality of the phenomena really hits home. Weak though it sounds, I can only say it is not coincidence or supressed memory or anything like that. There is far too much of it, it is too specific and unlikely, and whatever is portended happens very quickly. I usually try to put it out of my mind and try to forget it happens or it could drive you crazy - knowing it is impossible and yet there it is. It has brought me to the point where I am prepared to believe anything is possible, and that our science has barely scratched the surface of what existence is really all about. If there is a purpose to paranormal phenomena, perhaps it is to open up closed minds to what lurks outside the normal boundary of human experience. Or perhaps it is a chance by-product, a symptom, of something much more significant, some mechanism so far kept well-hidden from prying human minds.

    I realise that however incredible the experience, it means little anyone but the actual experient.

  20. To many to list here...

    One I love very much was the day my spirit guide Erica came floating over me while I were asleep. My third eye opened, I saw her spirit as we communicated some, she knew telepathy what I said because she allow me to put my hands on her face to feel her features.....because I can only see spirit, and I wanted to know what she looked like since she was coming to me on a regular bases for three years. She is very beautiful....she looks like Queen Elizabeth in the new movie. I could feel her features, skin, bones...felt real.

  21. yes when i was at my friend's home the belle from my friend's bedroom started to ring and we herd it twice and it couldn't be the wind, other time i saw a shadow when i was only with my friend but my friend was in an other room, other times the door just start and open and it is really creepy because no one touched it and i have a lot of videos where appears sparkle spots that represents the spirits and i have about two or 3 videos where you can clearly hear some voices but when i unregistered those videos i was with my friend but no other people was with us and we didn't said those things that were on the videos

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